New Creepers Colors for Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.18
New Creepers Colors for Minecraft is a great opportunity to go on an exciting adventure and try to enjoy new visual elements. This adventure is related solely to the fact that you will have to use all your skills and abilities to fight Creepers.
It seems that nothing is unusual about this texture pack, but do not rush to any conclusions. With this add-on, you will have a chance to meet different versions of Creepers. They will change their appearance, get new details, and give you some more interesting surprises. The main thing is to be ready for this adventure and try to get the most out of your game. We wish you good luck and all the best!
Installing New Creepers Colors:
The first step is to run the downloaded file and import the addon/texture into MCPE.
Second step: open Minecraft Pocket Edition and go to the settings of the world.
Third step: install the imported resource sets and add-ons for the world.
Step four: select the imported resource packages/add-on in each section and restart the mobile client.
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