
All Doors Have Windows for Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.19

All Doors Have Windows screenshot 1All Doors Have Windows for Minecraft is a great add-on that will allow you to take advantage of completely new textures for various doors. More precisely, many doors will have windows through which you can see what is inside the house or who is behind the door. 

All Doors Have Windows screenshot 2

The change does not seem to be global, but it will certainly give you a lot of pleasure and allow you to enjoy every moment of your adventure. These new windows go well with doors and can serve as a great decoration. Your goal is to make proper use of this feature and be sure to try out new doors for your buildings. We wish you good luck!

All Doors Have Windows screenshot 3

Installing All Doors Have Windows:

The first step is to run the downloaded file and import the addon/texture into MCPE.

Second step: open Minecraft Pocket Edition and go to the settings of the world.

Third step: install the imported resource sets and add-ons for the world.

Step four: select the imported resource packages/add-on in each section and restart the mobile client.


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