
Short Golden Wheat for Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.19

Short Golden Wheat screenshot 1Short Golden Wheat for Minecraft is a unique texture pack that invites you to go on an exciting adventure and get new farming experiences. The author of this add-on has finally improved all the available options related to wheat.  

Short Golden Wheat screenshot 2

More precisely, the modification adds a new type of Short Golden Wheat and completely redesigns its elements. In general, the texture pack upgrades the growth stages of wheat and makes its final version look more visually pleasing. Thus, you only have to check out these new features and try to enjoy every moment of your game. We wish you good luck and all the best in your future adventure!

Short Golden Wheat screenshot 3

Installing Short Golden Wheat:

The first step is to run the downloaded file and import the addon/texture into MCPE.

Second step: open Minecraft Pocket Edition and go to the settings of the world.

Third step: install the imported resource sets and add-ons for the world.

Step four: select the imported resource packages/add-on in each section and restart the mobile client.


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