
Minecraft 1.20.5 Java Edition Download

Logo Minecraft 1.20.5
1.20.5 is a minor update for Minecraft: Java Edition that adds new content, changes some parameters, and, most importantly, fixes various bugs. The release of the game’s major version is approaching. Therefore, the update 1.20.5 offers some “Experimental” content. The update adds a new block and item, introduces an unusual monster, and changes some characteristics.

Screenshot 1 Minecraft 1.20.5

Release date for Minecraft 1.20.5: April 23, 2024


1. New content

2. Major changes

3. Bugs fixed

4. Adding experimental content

5. Download links

New content

With the release of update 1.20.5, the game will be home to a new mob – the Armadillo. It is a passive mob that spawns in the savannah or badlands and has the same spawning rate as chickens or pigs. The Armadillo has 12 health points. This mob is very timid since the player and the undead pose a significant danger to the creature. If the player or undead approaches the Armadillo, the mob will curl up into a ball to protect itself from a potential threat. In this state, the Armadillo protects itself by a shell. Therefore, it receives less damage and sometimes doesn’t receive it during weak attacks. When curled into a defensive ball, the mob cannot move.

Screenshot 2 Minecraft 1.20.5

Screenshot 3 Minecraft 1.20.5

Although the Armadillo is harmless, spiders are afraid of it and run away when they meet it. You can breed armadillos using spider eyes. Use a leash to prevent your Armadillo from curling up when you are nearby. If the Armadillo is running away or is in water or air, it won’t curl up. If, within three seconds, the mob doesn’t detect a threat within its range, it will open up. But before that, the mob will look around carefully to confirm the safety.

Screenshot 4 Minecraft 1.20.5 

Screenshot 5 Minecraft 1.20.5

Screenshot 6 Minecraft 1.20.5

The Armadillo Scute is a new item that will repeatedly drop from the mob. The drop rate of this resource is approximately the same as the rate at which a chicken lays an egg. However, a faster and more efficient way to obtain this item is using a brush by right-clicking on the Armadillo. You can get up to four scutes from one brush, after which it breaks. With no other restrictions, using this method may bring you a lot of scutes.

Screenshot 7 Minecraft 1.20.5

The update introduces this resource since you can use it to craft a beneficial item – Wolf Armor. You should place six cutes in a particular way to create it and subsequently equip a tamed wolf. The wolf armor will change the mob’s appearance and protect the mob from damage. This item will add 11 armor units, allowing your four-legged friends to become excellent defenders.

Screenshot 8 Minecraft 1.20.5

Screenshot 9 Minecraft 1.20.5

The update introduces a new command – /transfer. This command transfers the player to another server but only exists on particular servers. The command syntax is as follows: /transfer [] [], where hostname is the server hostname, the port is an integer indicating the server port number to connect to, and players are the players to transfer.

Major changes

The most significant change is related to the wolf since the developers have corrected its characteristics. The wolf has become more powerful and dangerous. So, the mob has 40 health points, although it used to have only 20. When you feed tamed wolves, you can restore twice as many of their health points. Another change is that wolves no longer take half the damage from most environmental sources as they did before. The update also changes the texture of the wolf collar.

Screenshot 10 Minecraft 1.20.5

Since the update adds a new item – the Armadillo Scute, the developers had to adjust the name of the existing resource – the Scute. This item is now called the Turtle Scute.

Screenshot 11 Minecraft 1.20.5

Some changes affect one block – the Hopper. The developers decided to improve the performance of Hoppers to make them more efficient. The Hopper will no longer try to collect resources from inside a solid block.

Another significant change is the updated interface design. The main menu will display the game world instead of dirt around the buttons. There will be a similar change in the world itself. If you go to the settings, you will find this innovation. Finally, the interface will look beautiful and stylish, fitting perfectly into the game.

Screenshot 12 Minecraft 1.20.5

Screenshot 13 Minecraft 1.20.5

Bugs fixed

The update 1.20.5 not only adds new content and makes some changes but also fixes many bugs to make the game even more comfortable. By the way, there were a lot of bugs. For example, the snowballs thrown by the snow golem didn’t cause damage to the wolves but threw them away. The update will fix that and make snow golems dangerous to wolves. In total, the update fixes 118 bugs noticed in different versions of the game.

Adding experimental content

The experimental content includes a new mob – the Bogged, or Swampy Skeleton. This skeleton has a modified appearance and some characteristics. The Bogged has less health than the skeleton – only 16 units. This mob looks bright and colorful, covered with moss and having mushrooms on its head. Unlike the skeleton, the newly added mob doesn’t live in all biomes. Therefore, you can find it in swamps and mangrove swamps.

Screenshot 14 Minecraft 1.20.5

Screenshot 15 Minecraft 1.20.5

The Swampy Skeleton’s weapon is a bow with changed characteristics. The mob will shoot a bow almost twice as slow as a skeleton. When hitting a target with his arrows, the Bogged can deal damage and impose a poisoning effect. The Bogged appears twice as rare as the skeleton. When killed, it drops a standard set of resources – bones, arrows, and sometimes even a bow and armor, if any. A new drop from the new mob is an arrow of poison.

Screenshot 16 Minecraft 1.20.5

The Breeze will also have a new drop – a wind charge. You can get four to six pieces of this resource when you kill one Breeze. You can use this item as a weapon. The wind charge doesn’t cause damage but only knocks the target back. This new item suits well as dispenser projectiles. If used manually, there is a half-second cooldown after each use.

Screenshot 17 Minecraft 1.20.5

The update adds a new block – the vault found in trial chambers. You cannot destroy this block. However, you can unlock it using a trial key. The block stores random resources such as valuable items, including emeralds, enchanted armor, weapons, and tools. After activation, the block drops all the resources one by one. You can unlock the vault only once, after which the block is useless, but you can never destroy it. The trial key will disappear after activation. Therefore, you will need a new key to unlock another vault. Simply put, a vault is a chest with a drop, but you need a key to get that drop.

Screenshot 18 Minecraft 1.20.5

Screenshot 19 Minecraft 1.20.5

Screenshot 20 Minecraft 1.20.5

In addition to introducing innovations, the experimental content will undergo some changes. These changes improve the Breeze and modify some other parameters. For example, the update replaces the trial key texture to match the new block, while the parrot can imitate bogged sounds.

Screenshot 21 Minecraft 1.20.5

Download Links

The version has been released!

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Next versions:

Minecraft 1.20.6 Download

Previous versions:

Minecraft 1.20.4 Download

Minecraft 1.20.3 Download

Minecraft 1.20.2 Download

Minecraft 1.20.1 Download

Minecraft 1.20 Download

Comments (144)

Listoja 20/07/2024 18:39
0 2
mega wersja

XDbrine_Gaming_YT 11/07/2024 07:55
0 6
this is the best version till now.

AM-ayman2000 12/06/2024 17:50
0 3
ُِْ صةثمن1تضثجطصض0-ثضص

Ajeshbo 10/06/2024 11:25
2 4
blah blah blah

davoot19wascrazy 13/08/2024 09:16
0 1
@Ajeshbo, who asked? no one like you you're left father and your left family. you have 2 dislike

olezhka12 07/06/2024 07:20
1 4
Но есть минус у меня сервер с 1.20.4 и я сделал чтоб можно заходить и с 1.20.6 но новые мобы и т.д превращаются в камень или вообще нету

MandroidAI 18/05/2024 13:29
1 5
the skin doesnt work anymore in 1.20.5

mahan-jji 19/06/2024 16:18
1 2
@MandroidAI, ;..;l'l;.l;p'p,lloikoiio99iyh9ihh

mahan-jji 19/06/2024 16:17
0 2
@MandroidAI, op0kiki-i09ohfgthydthyy

Jizuki_Xa 18/05/2024 05:46
0 4
I love the new variations of the dogs! I wasn't aware of the update when I played the game, so I was pleasantly surprised to find a brown wolf near the cherry blossoms, to which I tamed it!

Leonid236 14/05/2024 13:29
0 4
класс ура!

franxyk_12 12/05/2024 01:32
0 6
server 1.7 hasta 1.20.6 IP: mc.srolemine.com

cutuboy 11/05/2024 18:11
0 5
hi tloucher can you help me i set my skin in my acount but i go in minecraft and open a server its not showing my skin help me tloucher plz :(

XDaBoyZ 10/06/2024 15:00
0 3
@cutuboy, go to instal skin on the higher left on main tl menu

XDaBoyZ 10/06/2024 14:59
0 4
@cutuboy, go to instal skin on the higher left on main tl menu

mahan-jji 19/06/2024 16:19
0 1
@XDaBoyZ, opl,lko,pk,ol,l;k

cutuboy 11/05/2024 18:13
0 1
@cutuboy, hi tloucher help plz

cutuboy 11/05/2024 18:11
0 1
hi tloucher can you help me i set my skin in my acount but i go in minecraft and open a server its not showing my skin help me tloucher plz :(

cutuboy 11/05/2024 18:11
0 1
hi tloucher can you help me i set my skin in my acount but i go in minecraft and open a server its not showing my skin help me tloucher plz :(

cutuboy 11/05/2024 18:11
0 1
hi tloucher can you help me i set my skin in my acount but i go in minecraft and open a server its not showing my skin help me tloucher plz :(

cutuboy 11/05/2024 18:11
0 1
hi tloucher can you help me i set my skin in my acount but i go in minecraft and open a server its not showing my skin help me tloucher plz :(

cutuboy 11/05/2024 18:11
0 1
hi tloucher can you help me i set my skin in my acount but i go in minecraft and open a server its not showing my skin help me tloucher plz :(

cutuboy 11/05/2024 18:11
0 1
hi tloucher can you help me i set my skin in my acount but i go in minecraft and open a server its not showing my skin help me tloucher plz :(

franxyk_12 10/05/2024 17:17
0 3
server 1.7 hasta 1.20.6 IP: mc.srolemine.com

braian49 15/05/2024 23:03
1 1
@franxyk_12, hola

braian49 15/05/2024 23:03
0 1
@franxyk_12, hola

braian49 15/05/2024 23:03
0 1
@franxyk_12, hola

braian49 15/05/2024 23:03
0 1
@franxyk_12, hola

braian49 15/05/2024 23:03
1 1
@franxyk_12, hola

StrazhNik11 10/05/2024 11:56
0 4

StrazhNik11 10/05/2024 11:56
0 3

almir18 23/08/2024 10:55
0 2
@StrazhNik11, компот

almir18 23/08/2024 10:55
0 1
@StrazhNik11, компот

StrazhNik11 10/05/2024 11:56
0 4

StrazhNik11 10/05/2024 11:56
0 2

StrazhNik11 10/05/2024 11:56
0 2

StrazhNik11 10/05/2024 11:56
0 2

YarMare 08/05/2024 08:55
0 4
очень прикольно

franxyk_12 05/05/2024 18:55
2 1
server 1.7 hasta 1.20.6 IP: mc.srolemine.com

hamja1123 05/05/2024 10:26
0 4
This Is Good Verson

Ramanspain202 05/05/2024 09:44
0 4
1.25 Is Good

greygreyminecraftlover 14/06/2024 01:32
0 2
@Ramanspain202, yes very good

greygreyminecraftlover 14/06/2024 01:32
0 1
@Ramanspain202, yes very good

greygreyminecraftlover 14/06/2024 01:32
1 1
@Ramanspain202, yes very good

furkeystayn 04/05/2024 18:19
1 2
çok güzel olmuş minecraft yapanların eline salık ve türkleri unutmayın

furkeystayn 04/05/2024 18:19
1 1
çok güzel olmuş minecraft yapanların eline salık ve türkleri unutmayın

furkeystayn 04/05/2024 18:19
1 2
çok güzel olmuş minecraft yapanların eline salık ve türkleri unutmayın

eric0999 04/05/2024 11:02
2 3

Nikityaus 04/05/2024 10:24
1 4
жалко что это только будет если включить экспириментал

franxyk_12 03/05/2024 20:54
1 1
server 1.7 hasta 1.20.5 IP: mc.srolemine.com

_Mr_KeBaB_ 03/05/2024 14:36
1 2
Good, maybe we can try to change the End?

DefinitelyBY 02/05/2024 02:05
1 3
My Tlauncher keep crashing on my Mac OS . It unexpectedly crashed . i reinstalled it again and again but it still doesnt work , i also restarted my Mac OS .Does anyone know how to fix this?

MandroidAI 18/05/2024 13:30
0 2
@DefinitelyBY, use the old updates

DefinitelyBY 02/05/2024 02:05
1 3
My Tlauncher keep crashing on my Mac OS . It unexpectedly crashed . i reinstalled it again and again but it still doesnt work , i also restarted my Mac OS .Does anyone know how to fix this?

DefinitelyBY 02/05/2024 02:05
1 2
My Tlauncher keep crashing on my Mac OS . It unexpectedly crashed . i reinstalled it again and again but it still doesnt work , i also restarted my Mac OS .Does anyone know how to fix this?

DefinitelyBY 02/05/2024 02:05
1 1
My Tlauncher keep crashing on my Mac OS . It unexpectedly crashed . i reinstalled it again and again but it still doesnt work , i also restarted my Mac OS .Does anyone know how to fix this?

DefinitelyBY 02/05/2024 02:04
1 1
My Tlauncher keep crashing on my Mac OS . It unexpectedly crashed . i reinstalled it again and again but it still doesnt work , i also restarted my Mac OS .Does anyone know how to fix this?

DefinitelyBY 02/05/2024 02:04
0 1
My Tlauncher keep crashing on my Mac OS . It unexpectedly crashed . i reinstalled it again and again but it still doesnt work , i also restarted my Mac OS .Does anyone know how to fix this?

DefinitelyBY 02/05/2024 02:04
0 2
My Tlauncher keep crashing on my Mac OS . It unexpectedly crashed . i reinstalled it again and again but it still doesnt work , i also restarted my Mac OS .Does anyone know how to fix this?

DefinitelyBY 02/05/2024 02:04
0 1
My Tlauncher keep crashing on my Mac OS . It unexpectedly crashed . i reinstalled it again and again but it still doesnt work , i also restarted my Mac OS .Does anyone know how to fix this?

DefinitelyBY 02/05/2024 02:04
0 1
My Tlauncher keep crashing on my Mac OS . It unexpectedly crashed . i reinstalled it again and again but it still doesnt work , i also restarted my Mac OS .Does anyone know how to fix this?

DefinitelyBY 02/05/2024 02:04
0 1
My Tlauncher keep crashing on my Mac OS . It unexpectedly crashed . i reinstalled it again and again but it still doesnt work , i also restarted my Mac OS .Does anyone know how to fix this?

moonl69 01/05/2024 13:35
0 2
Dang this shit fire

moonl69 01/05/2024 13:35
0 1
Dang this shit fire

moonl69 01/05/2024 13:35
0 1
Dang this shit fire

moonl69 01/05/2024 13:35
0 1
Dang this shit fire

franxyk_12 30/04/2024 18:55
0 1
server 1.7 hasta 1.20.5 IP: mc.srolemine.com

ARYAN_WARRIOR_BEST 30/04/2024 10:21
0 4
Armadillo, dog clothes and new type of skelton(I love killing skeletons????).I totally this!!

ARYAN_WARRIOR_BEST 30/04/2024 10:20
0 1
Armadillo, dog clothes and new type of skelton(I love killing skeletons????).I totally this!!

ARYAN_WARRIOR_BEST 30/04/2024 10:19
0 1
Armadillo, dog clothes and new type of skelton(I love killing skeletons????).I totally this!!

ARYAN_WARRIOR_BEST 30/04/2024 10:19
0 1
Armadillo, dog clothes and new type of skelton(I love killing skeletons????).I totally this!!

GeadrenlitnPlay 30/04/2024 07:59
0 1
Cool Minecraft :)

tumanov230820 29/04/2024 17:20
0 4
1.20.6! (not 1.21)

tumanov230820 29/04/2024 17:20
0 2
1.20.6! (not 1.21)

ZhenyaSirok 29/04/2024 14:11
0 1

Matveik2024 29/04/2024 13:17
0 2
I like minecraft. USE [****]ny. Beckas Кароче я из России и я этим горжусь

tumanov230820 29/04/2024 11:47
0 1

samkit12 29/04/2024 08:48
0 2
hi my name is samkit

cookieeaterMC 29/04/2024 01:47
0 1
i didnt have 1.20.5 yet

DDBROSOG 29/04/2024 09:46
0 1
@cookieeaterMC, nice i'm downloading it now! :)

DDBROSOG 29/04/2024 09:46
0 1
@cookieeaterMC, nice i'm downloading it now! :)

DDBROSOG 29/04/2024 09:46
0 1
@cookieeaterMC, nice i'm downloading it now! :)

DDBROSOG 29/04/2024 09:46
0 1
@cookieeaterMC, nice i'm downloading it now! :)

DDBROSOG 29/04/2024 09:45
0 1
@cookieeaterMC, nice i'm downloading it now! :)

DDBROSOG 29/04/2024 09:45
0 1
@cookieeaterMC, nice i'm downloading it now! :)

DDBROSOG 29/04/2024 09:45
0 1
@cookieeaterMC, nice i'm downloading it now! :)

DDBROSOG 29/04/2024 09:45
0 1
@cookieeaterMC, nice i'm downloading it now! :)

DDBROSOG 29/04/2024 09:45
0 1
@cookieeaterMC, nice i'm downloading it now! :)

Eyvin_alv 28/04/2024 16:54
0 1
buena actu

franxyk_12 28/04/2024 16:23
0 1
server 1.7 hasta 1.20.5 IP: mc.srolemine.com

Sayunid12 28/04/2024 09:20
0 6
cool update, but we need our skins back NOW!

khangcoikile 28/04/2024 10:54
0 1
@Sayunid12, ông có tìm thấy công trình mới ko

Sayunid12 24/05/2024 11:47
0 1
@khangcoikile, cái gì? không

Sayunid12 24/05/2024 11:47
0 1
@khangcoikile, cái gì? không

Sayunid12 24/05/2024 11:47
0 1
@khangcoikile, cái gì? không

khangcoikile 28/04/2024 10:54
0 1
@Sayunid12, ông có tìm thấy công trình mới ko

khangcoikile 28/04/2024 10:54
0 1
@Sayunid12, ông có tìm thấy công trình mới ko

khangcoikile 28/04/2024 10:54
0 1
@Sayunid12, ông có tìm thấy công trình mới ko

khangcoikile 28/04/2024 10:54
0 2
@Sayunid12, ông có tìm thấy công trình mới ko

robertZT96 27/04/2024 11:21
0 2

its_Gorba 27/04/2024 11:19
0 2
good update

Ultraalle 27/04/2024 11:03
0 4
personally im just fitting with 1.20.1 its got optifine and many mods are compatible with it

robertZT96 27/04/2024 11:21
0 3
@Ultraalle, 1.21*

Ultraalle 27/04/2024 13:51
0 2
@robertZT96, no i mean 1.20.1

Ultraalle 27/04/2024 13:51
0 2
@robertZT96, no i mean 1.20.1

Ultraalle 27/04/2024 13:51
0 2
@robertZT96, no i mean 1.20.1

Ultraalle 27/04/2024 13:51
0 2
@robertZT96, no i mean 1.20.1

urdone223 27/04/2024 09:43
0 3
and severs dont work either with skins

termokukA 27/04/2024 07:42
0 3
hogy töltsem le mivel nem értek hozzá és nem szeretném megvenni a játékot 20 ezer forintért

OkinPokinPok 27/04/2024 07:28
0 3

Ultraalle 27/04/2024 00:06
1 6
yall all the thing u need to do to get skin is to get into teh version file open tlauncheraddtinional and set the skin version from false to true and then save as

Fandexsiego694 27/04/2024 06:19
2 2
@Ultraalle, Dzk za pomoc

franxyk_12 26/04/2024 21:25
1 2
server 1.7 hasta 1.20.5 IP: mc.srolemine.com

OzarkRio 26/04/2024 17:02
0 3
How can I find the trail camber map? I tried with villages but unable to get one..

OzarkRio 26/04/2024 17:01
0 2
How can I find the trail camber map? I tried with villages but unable to get one..

Ultraalle 27/04/2024 11:00
1 1
@Alpha_Frio, bro this is 1.20.5 not 1.21 u gotta turn on experimental and get a cartographer to lvl 5 or smth

Ultraalle 27/04/2024 11:00
1 1
@Alpha_Frio, bro this is 1.20.5 not 1.21 u gotta turn on experimental and get a cartographer to lvl 5 or smth

Ultraalle 27/04/2024 11:00
1 1
@Alpha_Frio, bro this is 1.20.5 not 1.21 u gotta turn on experimental and get a cartographer to lvl 5 or smth

Ultraalle 27/04/2024 11:00
0 1
@Alpha_Frio, bro this is 1.20.5 not 1.21 u gotta turn on experimental and get a cartographer to lvl 5 or smth

OzarkRio 26/04/2024 17:01
0 1
How can I find the trail camber map? I tried with villages but unable to get one..

amir1392ali 26/04/2024 14:59
0 3
Very nice update

rubasos 26/04/2024 13:36
0 2
Не могу играть с подругой через радмин когда выйдет значок тл на 1.20.5?

Al-marjanshah 26/04/2024 12:09
0 4

Soal_Reaper 26/04/2024 11:20
0 4
plz add the mace

bezchitovcsgo002 02/06/2024 18:09
0 1
@Soal_Reaper, привет

bezchitovcsgo002 02/06/2024 18:09
0 1
@Soal_Reaper, привет

bezchitovcsgo002 02/06/2024 18:09
0 1
@Soal_Reaper, привет

bezchitovcsgo002 02/06/2024 18:09
0 1
@Soal_Reaper, привет

Elite_John04 26/04/2024 09:34
0 7
1.20.5 is good but we need our skins back , update it and put a version for having our skins back please

franxyk_12 26/04/2024 03:46
0 2
server 1.7 hasta 1.20.5 IP: mc.srolemine.com

josephorna2389 26/04/2024 03:36
0 3
las skins no funcionan

Yusig0716 26/04/2024 00:47
0 3
Damm what can I say? Mamba out

Moncicix 25/04/2024 23:36
0 3
Okay, but skins don't work aymore

MasterDoomGamer1 25/04/2024 19:40
0 4
Ветерного заряда, болотника, и всякого такого у меня нету. Ну и ещё не грузит скин

Matvei_Lebedev 26/04/2024 07:19
0 3
@MasterDoomGamer1, У меня также. Если там рядом с версией есть значок TL значит скин будет а на 1.20.5 его нету значит скина тоже не будет.

Youssefcraft1 25/04/2024 19:35
1 3
1.20.5 is Good.

lucas123GX 25/04/2024 17:35
1 5
49596 minecraft

lucas123GX 25/04/2024 17:35
1 4
49596 minecraft

BolTin_Fun 25/04/2024 15:02
1 9
наконец-то вышла

WildStar475 25/04/2024 14:13
1 3
hello what a good thing

Ultraalle 25/04/2024 11:01
0 8

RdyXol 25/04/2024 10:22
0 4
this looks cool

tumanov230820 25/04/2024 10:17
0 12
fix скин

ilyanoytbyk 25/04/2024 06:24
0 15
скины на ней не работают исправте пожалууйста !