
Minecraft 1.21.4 Java Edition Download

1.21.4 is the final release of The Garden Awakens, which adds a new biome inhabited by a mob with unusual characteristics to the game — you have never seen such mechanics before. Besides, new items and blocks created to diversify the game world will be available to you. The update is quite contentful, but besides that, it brings several significant changes and fixes that will make the game more comfortable and balanced.

The release date of Minecraft 1.21.4 is December 3, 2024.


1 New Content

2 Blocks

3 Items

4 Mobs and Entities

5 New World Generation Features

6 Changes

7 Bug Fixes

8 Download Links

New Content

So, the new version brings new content. The innovations include many new blocks with special functions, several items, an unusual mob, and, perhaps most importantly, a new game biome.


Pale Moss Carpet. It can grow up to two blocks high and spread to adjacent full-blown blocks. It can be fertilized with the bone meal, which will allow the moss to spread to all sides of neighboring blocks.

Pale Moss Block. It is a themed block that can be used in construction. When fertilized with the bone meal, it can also spread to neighboring blocks.

Eyeblossom. Its natural variant can generate in the pale garden biome. This flower can be closed or open and has a glowing eye. It can be used to cook the suspicious stew or to poison bees.

Pale Block Planks. They are a new material that can be used both for building and crafting other blocks such as doors, steps, etc. It is distinguished by its pale color.

Pale Oak Log. It is a generated material suitable for processing and obtaining the above planks. It can be stripped as well.

Resin Clump. It is a new block generated near creaking hearts and placeable on any full-blown block. It is used for crafting resin bricks and resin blocks.

Pale Oak Leaves. They are a new type of foliage peculiar to pale oaks.

Pale Oak Sapling. It is a new sapling used to grow pale oaks (you will need 2x2 blocks). It can be planted in a flower pot.

Pale Hanging Moss. It is an additional eye-pleasing element of the pale oak's crown. It hangs like a vine and can make a terrible noise.

Creaking Heart. It is a versatile block that appears in the pale garden biome and can be found inside an oak tree. It sends particles to the creaker, generates resin clumps, and can be destroyed with an axe. It can make a terrible noise and can be crafted according to the following recipe: one block of resin and two pale oak logs.

Block of Resin. It can be created from nine resin clumps.

Resin Brick Block. It can be created from four resin bricks.


Let us now look at the available items that become available after the update:

  1. Resin Brick. It can be obtained by smelting resing clumps.

  1. Creaking Spawn Egg. It is a special item for evoking the creaking.

Mobs and Entities

The new version could not bus add a new mob. However, it is only one:

The creaking is an aggressive mob that spawns near creaking hearts. It can deal three damage points, is highly fire-resistant, can ignore obstacles, including berry bushes, cacti, and loose snow, and is incapable of boarding a boat or entering a portal. If you summon it using the egg, the creaking will have one health point.

As for the entity, the update adds one option:

Pale Oak Boat. It is a transport means that has a cargo variant.

New World Generation Features

As for the world generation, you will see two new features:

Pale Garden is a new pale-colored biome where all the new content is generated. It can be considered a variant of Dark Forest and is without music tracks. It is noteworthy that this biome is generated as adjacent to the Dark Forest: it is there that you will be able to find it.

The pale oak is a new tree of pale color with a white crown.


Even though the changes do not add new content, they are still noteworthy. We have listed the most significant changes noticeable in the game world.


Let us first take a look at the changes that affected the blocks. They are as follows:

  1. The nether bricks of all kinds have received a new appearance. Even though the changes have touched only their textures, they are quite significant.

  1. The copper door, bell, pressure plate, brewing stand, soul lantern, iron door, and some other elements now drop when broken with any took.

  1. The sculk sensor is now capable of emitting a signal with a frequency of 13 when activated by resin clumps.

  1. If you use an inappropriate tool to destroy an ender chest, you will get obsidian.

  1. The durations of the applied effects have been modified.


The mobs were not ignored and have also been affected. They are as follows:

  1. The effects applied to bees have been changed. If you decide to feed a bee with an eyeblossom or a wither rose, it will lose the ability to reproduce and may be subjected to desiccation or poisoning. If the eyeblossom is closed, the bee cannot poisoned by it and does not show any attention to it.
  2. The mobs' preference as regards items on the ground have been changed. They will now judge according to priorities and will pick up items that are better in terms of durability, enchantments, quality, etc.
  3. The breeding of wolves and cats now results in a new collar color. The latter is now a mixture of the color of the parents' collars.
  4. Pillagers and piglins now prefer picking up crossbows to picking up other weapons.
  5. Strays, bogged, and skeletons will now try to get a bow.
  6. The drowned now prefer tridents.

Bug Fixes

Technical changes, thanks to which the game becomes better, are also not to be overlooked. This version implements about 160 bug fixes, but we will touch upon the most significant ones:

● Fall damage is now not ignored for a couple of seconds if the player is reloading into a world on LAN or in singleplayer mode.

● Players cannot easily prevent fire damage by simply reloading a world or rejoining a server anymore.

● When a skeleton horse tries to jump underwater, you will now see a subtitle.

● It is now possible to setblock a chest that has no adjacent chest of the same type.

● Slots with item outline textures now behave properly when items are placed inside these slots.

● The issue with the rendering of the Air model related to particles has been solved.

● Sprint particles are not displayed anymore if you mount a minecart with no rail below it while running.

● The shadows on text displayed when connecting to a realm have now been returned and enhanced.

The creakings do not take knockback from the wind anymore.

Sniffers now dig in pale moss.

Download Links

The 1.21.4 version is already available!

Download (Windows)

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Older Versions:

Download Minecraft 1.21.3

Download Minecraft 1.21.2

Download Minecraft 1.21.1

Download Minecraft 1.21

Download Minecraft 1.20.6

Download Minecraft 1.20.4

Download Minecraft 1.20

Comments (34)

Unleashedarr11 10/03/2025 09:49
0 0
no ist not working

kizugar 09/03/2025 08:35
0 0
jj .lmxceon ikenciuj

franxyk_12 07/03/2025 19:04
0 0
server 1.7 hasta 1.21.4 IP: mc.srolemine.com

ayanpronex 07/03/2025 18:07
0 0
i want this skin very much

MOHAMMAD_GOMONG 07/03/2025 11:47
0 0

_Mik00_ 06/03/2025 13:24
0 2
Kdo je tu 2025

_Mik00_ 06/03/2025 13:22
0 2

rusif2015 05/03/2025 11:34
0 0
Itstaal no varning

emirturkiye8162 04/03/2025 13:20
0 1
bilgisayara bedrock indiremiyor muyuz?

Naruto_PlayZ666 04/03/2025 10:42
0 1
nice game bruh!

DeD26eD 02/03/2025 15:06
0 1
я кансик

CallubounPC 22/02/2025 22:06
1 2
Thats 1# Minecraft Version Ever!

vicenteevictorr 21/02/2025 19:09
0 0
Mano eu estou tentando mas eu n consigo

smaliq001 03/02/2025 15:03
2 5

franxyk_12 19/01/2025 01:37
1 1
server 1.7 hasta 1.21.4 IP: mc.srolemine.com

Ju4ns0 18/01/2025 23:51
1 0
este juego es una pija, antes era mejor

1xxtentacionxx 15/01/2025 19:55
0 4
porque me sale version incompatible?

1xxtentacionxx 15/01/2025 19:55
0 0
porque me sale version incompatible?

heavenly_meow 23/01/2025 01:32
0 1
@1xxtentacionxx, por mongol

hiradkh 10/01/2025 14:08
0 2
its so beter

MTX_Demon170710 02/02/2025 06:16
0 0
@hiradkh, Yes, it's cool

VasyaShmil 09/01/2025 13:49
0 2
ребята нужно Новейшая версия 1.24.4 новогод

Pingleyi 09/01/2025 08:49
0 3
If I change my username my skin wont change :(

petrisor1234 04/02/2025 20:26
0 0
@Pingleyi, bruh your skin doesn't change if you change the username, all it do is change your username whats the problem in it?

franxyk_12 05/01/2025 22:32
1 1
server 1.7 hasta 1.21.4 IP: mc.srolemine.com

xontropatsoulidhs 03/01/2025 14:11
0 5
my skin cannot change some help please

DovakinFox 30/12/2024 17:32
0 4
Помогите,пожалуйста. Не могу разобраться,почему не находит миры в локальной сети?

MyPikachu246 24/12/2024 13:09
2 6
When we have TL icon in optifine ver?

ProGamerr11 16/12/2024 10:50
2 9
Best ever launcher for minecraft and java is the best version

test6444444 14/12/2024 16:42
1 2
Крутое обновление!

bblod 15/12/2024 19:59
1 1
@test6444444, да да

BeTePaH_BouHu 11/12/2024 21:05
0 16
Ребят кто в курсе подскажите пж, почему начиная с версии 1.21 с модом Оптифайн не работают скины? То есть я имею ввиду, почему не добавляют значок ТЛ для версии майнкрафта 1.21 Оптифайн и последующим?

admin 14/12/2024 17:07
2 8
Уже работаем над этим!

foxcvovo 17/02/2025 08:29
1 1
@admin, почему мод 3д скин не работает1 13-1 21 только на 1 12 2 и EFT мод тоже не работает