Minecraft 1.22: Possible Changes and Innovations
Major updates for Minecraft are released not particularly often — at the moment, the frequency is once a year. The release of the next 1.22 update is scheduled for the first half of 2025, but to date, no upcoming content has been presented, and players can only guess what they will see in the game. In this article, you will only learn about possible innovations, which may not even appear in the new release. We are going to consider the potential changes of the End as well as new mobs and plants.
The information presented here is not about the final 1.22 version and describes only the possible content of the upcoming update.
3 New Ways of Getting Food and New Crops
7 New Armor and Related Improvements
Ender Changes
The End is a highly popular and significant in-game dimension, which provides you with the opportunity to fight a dragon, find the elytra, and use shulker boxes. Still, it remains quite empty since most of the biomes there are quite contentless and cannot boast anything except end cities. Players would like to see major changes and reworking of this entire dimension so that they have a reason to visit it more often, not just to search for the elytra and kill the dragon. Perhaps we will see an enhancement of the already existing structures, new mobs, and even new locations to explore!
The developers from Mojang have not paid due attention to the End for a long time, and if they add some interesting biomes, along with new mobs and items, players will readily teleport there and explore various locations and dungeons.
Passive Mobs
The game's developers now broadcast Minecraft Live 2 times a year but, at the same time, canceled mob voting, so we can only guess what exactly will be added to the game. Version 1.22 may feature some kind of new passive mob that will help the player, especially considering the last updates that allowed players to put armor on dogs. Most of the users, as a rule, have to explore various dungeons and biomes alone. So to keep them company, more and more opportunities for taming mobs are being implemented.
Here, we can only speculate what passive mob we may see in Minecraft 1.22. As you remember, the 1.21.4 update added the Creaking, which cannot be killed just by hitting it. But if the player had some friendly mob that would help them, the gameplay would be greatly diversified. Just imagine if you could tame a unique golem that would constantly follow you.
New Ways of Getting Food and New Crops
With each update, Minecraft acquires some interesting and unique biomes where we can collect different types of ore and blocks and see some new types of trees and structures. However, the developers completely forgot about vegetation, crops, and plants that have to do with farming. So we can only hope that in Minecraft 1.22, there will still be some new crop types that will allow us to collect various vegetables and fruits.
Besides, we would like to see some developments in terms of cooking food. Minecraft already features several types of furnaces, but there have long been hundreds of mods that add pans, various dishes and appliances, and dozens of food options. So if at least a few new food types appear in Minecraft 1.22, that would be a significant advantage in this regard.
New Villager Professions
The list of biomes and locations is constantly expanding but villagers still continue to trade what they had five years ago! What about changing the choice? Here too, Mojang should also reconsider their approach to the game. Thus, villagers could well sell some unique items for journeys to the Nether, the Ent, and ancient cities, which are still relevant but not particularly popular because of the scarce content.
Peaceful NPCs in villages could sell us more building blocks, some unique items, artifacts, and new types of maps. Besides, if Mojang adds new professions, that will greatly benefit the new version.
Ancient City Changes
The ancient cities appeared already in version 1.19, but they are still very mysterious, although they are quite large structures compared to all the others. So the developers should add more detailed lore related to them: who created such structures, where they came from, and what is their purpose. In the city center, we can activate a portal, but if it would transfer the player to a new dimension, that would be very cool. We can only hope that the developers will implement something of this sort in Minecraft 1.22.
New Transport Means
The player can now move across the game world with the elytra, on boats, on minecarts, and riding some animals. But it is time to add some new transport means. It can be some kind of airship, hang glider, balloon, or carriage. The latter option would involve constant interaction with animals, such as horses, mules, and donkeys.
We can actively speculate what types of transport can be added in Minecraft 1.22 or other versions, but in any case, we should have at least some hints.
New Armor and Related Improvements
In the recent game updates, the developers have added many changes as regards armor. The player can now improve them with the help of special templates, which also change their appearance and allow users to express their individuality. That is a nice opportunity, but don't you think that the choice of armor is not particularly large, especially given that various ingredients from which armor could be crafted, such as copper, are already available in the game? Perhaps in the major update 1.22, the developers will add new armor types and other related improvements. The in-game copper cannot boast a broad sphere of application, so we expect that the new version will allow us to craft the standard set of tools and armor from this resource!
Minecraft: Java Edition can have a low FPS rate and lags even on powerful PCs. And if the player installs shaders and custom mods, it sometimes becomes impossible to play altogether. The entire issue is related not to PC specs but to the optimization of the game itself and the peculiarities of the Java platform. Players often have to resort to OptiFine, Sodium, and other mods to optimize the game and calmly use add-ons. We hope that the developers from Mojang will address the performance issues in 1.22 and continue to do so in each new version.
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Version 1.22 is not yet available! The recent game version is 1.21.4.
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