Are there viruses in TLauncher? Details!
Some users would like to know if TLauncher has viruses or not. So, we are going to give you some compelling arguments in favor of the popular Minecraft launcher. Please don’t believe any rumors and gossip – the launcher is virus-free and reliable!
We've released an additional article where we dispelled the fakes about SpyWare in TLauncher. We recommend it!
Other articles about exposing fakes:
TLauncher has no SpyWare! [Details]
Fakes about TLauncher virus checks
Using antivirus software is the easiest and most popular way to check for viruses. There are lots of programs, and one of them may be even installed on your PC. Of course, it will consider TLauncher a virus-free program. What about others?
There is a Virus Total service that checks the file using 70 antivirus scanners! And what do you think? All of them consider TLauncher virus-free and reliable. You can download the launcher file from our website and upload it to Virus Total for checking. The results will be the same.
70 antivirus scanners cannot be wrong. TLauncher has existed for 10 years. During this period, there could be many complaints from antivirus programs in case of problems. However, there are none. At the same time, an interesting fact is that all our software is signed with a special digital signature, which is issued by a special certification center (you cannot get it just like that). So, antivirus programs could easily block the program if there were viruses! This means double check and guarantees from antivirus programs.
How to verify a digital signature: Download the file to your computer (the extension must be .EXE), right-click on this file, and go to “Properties”. There should be a “Digital Signatures” tab! If there is no such tab, the file does not have a signature.
During such a long time, we have developed many projects and additions to the launcher. These are TLauncher PE; Website and mod-pack system TLMODS; Minecraft server directory TMonitoring; TL SKIN CAPE mod; and hundreds of TLauncher updates with new functionality... All this is available for free to all players. Would it be worth trying so hard and developing so many projects for a banal virus program that has the goal of quickly making money? The answer is obvious – it does not work like that. Such a large number of projects and a long existence are possible thanks to many people from our team.
Additional information:
We are happy to answer some questions raised by several bloggers providing inaccurate or distorted information. The questions are phrased by users and we give answers to them.
1) I saw some pieces of your launcher’s code and it has suspicious functions. What can you say about it?
Answer: Our launcher has been developed for a long time. It has millions of code lines, which hardly anyone would study. A small part of code can be given any meaning, either positive or negative. After all, most people are not programmers. So, you can poke at any line and call it malicious.
We have a large user base. Some of them may face certain problems due to incorrect system settings. We may display messages to correct the problem. For example, we provide messages about the need to properly configure the firewall or antivirus so that the Internet connection to the launcher is not blocked (in strict mode, only the browser works). No one can forbid us to inform the user or check the system to correctly identify the problem. This is what any major program does using various Windows tools. In some cases, we use the built-in simple Windows tools to fix errors. We do not introduce any settings but can only use the standard ones from Windows. And the main thing is that the user is always informed about problems and ways to solve them.
2) Some files are not downloaded from the official website but from your server, for example, Java or Forge. Why?
Answer: The game recently uses different versions of Java: 8, 16, and 17. Depending on the version of the game, we download these versions of Java (which do not need to be installed) so that the user can install the game through the launcher in one click. This is what the official launcher does for one simple reason – the official Java website has no direct download links without the need for installation.
As for Forge or Fabric, some of the files are downloaded from the official repository of these modifications, and some are not. The thing is that they have deleted some of the files from their servers or changed the structure of their storage, which has undoubtedly affected our launcher as well. Of course, they do not warn us about such changes. However, it becomes impossible to install modified versions through the launcher. In this regard, we duplicate all files on our servers, but they are not modified. However, one more file mirror will not hurt.
Also, there is a real threat of blocking from various providers: game storage repositories, java, or forge (for example, the infamous blocking of Amazon CDN servers in Russia). All this affects the availability of files for download and the final rating of our launcher from users, although that’s not our fault. Therefore, it is impossible to provide downloads exclusively from official sources since there are weak spots that can degrade the functions of the launcher.
3) DMCA – they scare me with this term. What is it and how does it affect players?
Answer: This term scares all our players. This is mostly done by bloggers who are deliberately trying to scare you! When a person is scared, he cannot make a rational decision. Dubious personalities use this for their benefit by forcing you to buy something or use the product they advertise. Therefore, we expressly state that DMCA does not apply to regular users! They are trying to intimidate you and encourage you to make the decision they need.
DMCA is used for copyright protection, but this has nothing to do with us. Minecraft has no protection and the game files are publicly available on the developers’ servers via direct links. We are not engaged in hacking the game or anything like that. The game runs smoothly from Java, without modifying Minecraft files. Notch (the creator of the game) supported the simple distribution of the game when it was impossible to buy it. We have existed since then and support the original policy of the creator of the game. Using our launcher does not entail any consequences for players. No one hacks the game and all files are downloaded from the servers of Minecraft developers.
4) Bloggers urge me to take some action. What should I do?
Answer: bloggers usually do nothing for free. Their goal is to gain views (to receive money from YouTube ads) or to earn a fee from sponsors. It is these “sponsors” who set the theme for the videos, including trying to promote their product and slander the competitive one. Our launcher is the most popular and many of our competitors don’t like this. They ask dubious bloggers for all sorts of “investigations”, which expose almost the main evil of the Internet. Of course, this looks ridiculous, especially accusing us of viruses. This means that the blogger knows the truth and a large number of our users and 70 antivirus programs are simply mistaken. All this makes us laugh. These bloggers think they are even smarter than antivirus programs that have existed for 30 years... The conclusion is obvious: believe serious sources and not bloggers who have just started telling something on YouTube.
5) Bloggers told me that your program/site is registered in the “wrong country”. What can you say about it?
There are no bad countries or nationalities! Alas, bloggers think differently. They are sure there are bad countries and you cannot stay/register there. Their words breathe racism, which is extremely terrible. Do not believe them. All countries are beautiful in their own way and you cannot call them bad or wrong. We have always been proud that our program is accessible from all corners of the globe. We have never restricted any countries and will not do this in the future. Do not give in to provocations!
Currently, some English-speaking bloggers are trying to put TLauncher in a bad light for its connection with Russia, including the Russian version of the website and program, the presence of developers from Russia, and registration in the “wrong country”. All this is done by intimidation, imposing fear on our users, as well as fakes about viruses or some kind of scandal. Do not give in to such provocations! We have always been open to everyone in the world and will always stay a reliable program.
6) TLauncher is involved in scandals. What should I think about it?
Such things do not affect the operation of the launcher on your computer. And they should not affect you as well since such “scandals” are inflated by people who benefit from them, mainly competitors.
To put it bluntly, we had no serious disagreements or anything like that. Any disagreements we tried to peacefully and almost always the parties came to a consensus. And someone who raises the problem 5-6 years ago, just wants to set you against our Launcher, by substituting concepts and blatant lies. Any problems will be solved, if they are still relevant.
We take into account all the stated facts, which are confirmed not just by words but by various sources. With joy and pride, we are happy to conclude:
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