
Fakes about TLauncher virus checks

Fakes about TLauncher virus checks
There are various strange instructions for checking viruses in TLauncher... They say our program has viruses, which you may find and thereby confirm the theories of bloggers. However, these instructions are a pure manipulation and substitution of facts, which we will talk about in this article.

Other articles about exposing fakes:

TLauncher has no SpyWare! [Details]

Are there viruses in TLauncher? Details!


- Brief description and conclusion

- What is a digital signature?

- The working principle of anonymous Reddit users

- Using instructions from Reddit to check other programs

- Checking Avast Antivirus Installer File

- If you remove the digital signature from any file, will the scanner detect viruses?

- I was told that you have hidden files. Is that true?

- Bloggers say that your files are not checked by antivirus scanners due to their digital signatures. Is that true?

- How can I check that?

Brief description and conclusion

Anonymous Reddit users remove digital signatures from our files and upload them to virustotal, which detects viruses. This is a pure manipulation since if you remove the digital signature from any other trusted programs (Avast, Microsoft, Malwarebytes, etc.), virustotal will also mark them as infected (original versions with digital signatures are free of viruses). In short, antivirus scanners may consider this a file substitution or a false positive. It’s not proof but an attempt to slander us!

What is a digital signature?

Each file can be signed with a special signature, which guarantees that the file is received from a specific publisher (website) and has never been modified. The absence of a digital signature on a file means that the file has been modified and is not safe to use. We sign all TLauncher files with a digital signature!

The working principle of anonymous Reddit users

If you remove the digital signature from our files and upload them to virustotal.com, some antivirus scanners will mark our files as infected…

A piece about removing a signature from a Reddit manual

The part where they suggest removing the digital signature from our files.

They seem to have found some kind of “evidence” of viruses, albeit in a strange way. However, it is a pure manipulation – if you remove the digital signature from other popular programs (as an example), they will also be marked as malware on virustotal!

Using instructions from Reddit to check other programs

We are going to show you other programs with a removed digital signature. According to the instructions from Reddit, they will also have “viruses” on virustotal.com.

Checking Avast Antivirus Installer File

Avast official website for download: https://www.avast.com/index#pc

Avast with digital signature on VirusTotal

Link to virustotal file With digital signature (tab "Details" -> "Signature verification"): https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/05d2dd4435b9e77d21cd661102d764a9aa48611e4906233ba8b32a1308297f6d/detection

As you can see, the file is safe according to all antivirus scanners. Let’s move on to the next step – we need to remove the digital signature from the file. Later, there will be a guide on how to repeat it. But for now, leave it to us. Run CMD.exe and run the command:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.19041.0\x64\signtool.exe" remove /S D:\test\avast_free_antivirus_setup_online.exe

Removing Avast's digital signature

The digital signature has been successfully removed. After that, let’s upload this file to virustotal.com and check it with antivirus scanners. The result is no surprise at all. The thing is that the Avast file without a digital signature has the following result: 10 viruses detected

Avast without digital signature on VirusTotal

Link to virustotal file WITHOUT a digital signature: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/567a7bf4546a346107405ef933ed0a0c3c66854af5ca9f91668f22f04a142a2a/detection

We attach a video of checking Avast (without editing):

But probably that’s not enough and we need at least 4 more examples to test the theory.

Let’s check another program that you trust even more, for example, Windows 10 Update Installer File from Microsoft.

Official download site: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10 (Update Now button)

Microsoft Updates with digital signature on VirusTotal

Link to virustotal file With digital signature: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/c0424d0ae06ca1e6e0249b40d33ac40d74075856d543ec0924884664fba52b79/detection

The file is clean! Let’s run CMD.exe and remove the digital signature:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.19041.0\x64\signtool.exe" remove /S D:\test\Windows10Upgrade9252.exe

Removing Microsoft Updates digital signature

After successfully removing the digital signature, you can upload the file to virustotal:

Microsoft Updates without digital signature on VirusTotal

Link to virustotal file WITHOUT a digital signature: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/0e210661656514fabb3953e95591fdd367426419ab634eca545e080d7c0a0c36/detection

We get the well-known result with viruses... This time, 11 antivirus scanners find the file without a digital signature not safe.

Now let’s try to check out Malwarebytes, which is a popular antivirus, including among our users.

Official download site: https://malwarebytes.com/

Malwarebyes with digital signature on VirusTotal

Link to virustotal file With digital signature: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/d3e21e607c9b4e4c1d9cc08d38aca37b91544fbfd5a9b7aca3485215ef41fbef/detection

The file has no antivirus detections. Run CMD.exe and remove the digital signature:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.19041.0\x64\signtool.exe" remove /S D:\test\MBSetup.exe

Removing malwarebytes digital signature

After that, we upload this file to virustotal:

Malwarebytes without digital signature on VirusTotal

Link to virustotal file WITHOUT a digital signature: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/cff8f3cefb8b7f17e709aedd094d7bf84223b9290cfb3baedfe1fa1a21adcfc6/detection

Without a digital signature, the file has numerous tags from antivirus scanners.

But let’s move away from antivirus software and Microsoft. Let’s take something completely different. For example, let’s check AnyDesk, which is a popular remote access program.

Official download site: https://anydesk.com/en/downloads/windows

Anydesk with digital signature on VirusTotal

Link to virustotal file With digital signature: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/580f6a285c6c3b7238bd16e1aeb62a077ae44b5061a2162e9fd6383af59028bb/detection

The file has no antivirus detections. Run CMD.exe and remove the digital signature:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.19041.0\x64\signtool.exe" remove /S D:\test\AnyDesk.exe

Deleting AnyDesk digital signature

As always, we upload the file to virustotal and wait for the results:

AnyDesk without digital signature on VirusTotal

Link to virustotal file WITHOUT a digital signature: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/ef22fea0fb31e395e128e18cd33b02452b2c65e794b7292047f6e8881ba6b4e4/detection

This program gives some incredible results! 0 virus detected with a digital signature and 15 without it... Shock content!

Finally, let’s check Discord, which is usually used by all these bloggers.

Official download site: https://discord.com/download

Discord with digital signature on VirusTotal

Link to virustotal file With digital signature: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/7d5c479d6c4c89e8f535010e7fe8e71e02ca015045eee5ecb08b98fd18f29592/detection

The file has no antivirus detections. Run CMD.exe and remove the digital signature:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.19041.0\x64\signtool.exe" remove /S D:\test\DiscordSetup.exe

Removing Discord Digital Signature

After uploading the file to virustotal, we see the following results:

Discord without digital signature on VirusTotal

Link to virustotal file WITHOUT a digital signature: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/b6103e93b8b4d04c38f268c6e306a72d101395f7442bd20cb612a382c5fab180/detection

Why do these bloggers use Discord if it has viruses? We have checked it using their method and the scanner also detects viruses. This means the program is not safe... This should be the logic of those bloggers from Reddit.

Detailed results

As you can see, any trusted program without a digital signature can be identified as virus-infected. This is how the antivirus protection system works – you cannot remove the digital signature from files! The conclusion is simple: bloggers consider Microsoft or Avast virus-infected since they have a lot of detections... That’s nonsense!

Treat anonymous posts with caution. After all, it is not known who writes them and why. Our competitors always use fakes and order ads from bloggers to advertise their programs. These YouTube bloggers do not hesitate to advertise our competitors in the same videos where they talk about our so-called viruses. In fact, if you check these programs, they will also have viruses on virustotal! It is absolute hypocrisy to talk about viruses and in a minute advertise something that has viruses detected.

If you remove the digital signature from any file, will the scanner detect viruses?

We don’t know. Perhaps it depends on the specifics of the file and its popularity. They may check files without digital signatures and remove all detections in advance. This check is too “artificial” and does not reflect the real situation with file security. We have checked trusted companies and their files, primarily installers, just like our files being investigated.

I was told that you have hidden files. Is that true?

Files that we move to Temp, namely pictures, offers, and uninstaller, should be in a temporary directory so that they can be deleted after installation. The uninstaller must have our digital signature, so it is pre-installed in the installer. This uninstaller can help you uninstall the program at any time using standard Windows tools. All programs do that. That’s not our invention!

Offers are a browser installer and it is not necessary to install it. If you see this ad, just uncheck the box to avoid installing this offer.

Bloggers say that your files are not checked by antivirus scanners due to their digital signatures. Is that true?

The digital signature does not provide any benefits when the file is checked with antivirus scanners. Otherwise, hackers would easily spread viruses. That’s the position of any antivirus software. You can easily find digitally signed programs that have been detected as malware. Here are some of such programs and their results:

Light Alloy: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/f4ff16e76d3e7caae08820c11a910fcf2c9f759a3e416e8677d65df764904bef/detection

Aimp: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/21a1df4b36e29327694a627a54d8e47167c781db2e6bf560319be45ca4fc761f

This does not mean they have viruses, but the digital signature does not save them from false positives.

How can I check that?

1) You need to install Windows SDK: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/windows-sdk/

2) And find the file signtool.exe in the folder C:\ProgramFiles (x86)\WindowsKits\10\bin\10.0.19041.0\x64\ (you may have a different version)

3) Open CMD.exe (find it through the Start Menu search).

4) Paste the command and execute (using your paths): "C:\ProgramFiles (x86)\WindowsKits\10\bin\10.0.19041.0\x64\signtool.exe" remove /S"D:\Windows10Upgrade9252.exe"


"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.19041.0\x64\signtool.exe" is the path to your signtool.exe file

"D:\Windows10Upgrade9252.exe" is the path to your file to remove the digital signature

5) After removing the signature, you can upload the file to virustotal.com

Comments (111)

Ada123f 19/08/2024 15:43
2 0
nah ı just found grayware at tllaucher 32 bit you fools guys delete the tlaucher for your safety

pepehiago123 29/07/2024 02:07
0 0
en verdad puso solo el instalador de tlauncher :/\

Mephiles01 16/07/2024 13:57
0 0
Я ТАК И ЗНАЛ ЧТО БЛОГЕРЫ ВРУТ НАМ, спасибо TL что доказали это, что вы правы

artridezzz 25/06/2024 13:25
0 1
TLauncher прав, и все эти разборы с разаблочением TL лаунчера ФЕЙКИ!

artridezzz 25/06/2024 13:25
0 2
TLauncher прав, и все эти разборы с разаблочением TL лаунчера ФЕЙКИ!

artridezzz 25/06/2024 13:25
0 2
TLauncher прав, и все эти разборы с разаблочением TL лаунчера ФЕЙКИ!

artridezzz 25/06/2024 13:25
0 2
TLauncher прав, и все эти разборы с разаблочением TL лаунчера ФЕЙКИ!

artridezzz 25/06/2024 13:25
0 2
TLauncher прав, и все эти разборы с разаблочением TL лаунчера ФЕЙКИ!

nocap_nolove 09/05/2024 21:21
0 0
Про яндекс только в россии что-то определитель не очень работает. Я нахожусь очень далеко, железо даже собирал не в рф - установщик яндекса вылазит. Так же и мой младший брат в другой точке света, тоже не в россии, тоже установщик яндекса

catz_ggr 16/02/2024 12:28
3 0
это всё фигня

CLASSIC_SONIC66 01/01/2024 06:57
0 0
Do it have a virus plz tell us

CLASSIC_SONIC66 01/01/2024 06:55
0 0
Do it have a virus plz tell us I just got Minecraft java plz

CLASSIC_SONIC66 01/01/2024 06:55
0 0
Do it have a virus plz tell us I just got Minecraft java plz

CLASSIC_SONIC66 01/01/2024 06:55
0 0
Do it have a virus plz tell us I just got Minecraft java plz

fmfsq 22/12/2023 00:19
0 2
and why does it install its own java, Optifine, forge and fabric?

__Myrin__ 06/01/2025 17:25
0 0
@fmfsq, its for compatibility different versions want different versions of java

gugelmen 10/05/2024 06:10
1 0
@fmfsq, why do you install your own minecraft mods from internet?

Ale_Ksandr 16/12/2023 00:30
0 0

Ale_Ksandr 16/12/2023 00:28
0 0

n0123 14/10/2023 01:05
0 0
To be more secure, it's better to use Linux or Ubuntu

0WoodNoobVN 12/10/2023 12:53
0 0
What is your gmail name?

thekarmag123 02/10/2023 19:52
0 2
gracias antes estaba dudando si borrar mi cuenta o no gracias

Best_Bad 14/09/2023 12:24
0 0
Does it have a virus?

_Burnish_ 09/01/2024 03:25
0 0
@Best_Bad, no

_Burnish_ 09/01/2024 03:25
0 0
@Best_Bad, no

proof8 07/05/2024 11:04
3 0
@_Burnish_, IT DOES

VillagerGen 23/08/2023 10:44
5 0
Ваш бесплатный аккаунт! Имя пользователя - VillagerGen247 Пароль - villagerpassword

Aktivirajprozore 19/08/2023 22:21
0 2
How do i delete my tlaucher acc?

dedinzaid__ 29/07/2023 07:17
0 1
где брать промокоды?

KIRILL4004 28/07/2023 18:19
0 0
Ну хоть не промолчали а доказали что это не так, хорошая работа ребята

AlexNoKine 20/07/2023 06:27
1 0
я люблю Тлаунчер :) i love Tlauncher :)

AlexNoKine 20/07/2023 06:27
1 0
я люблю Тлаунчер :) i love Tlauncher :)

_1930_ 19/07/2023 10:33
0 0
модпак система полегла походу

_1930_ 19/07/2023 10:33
0 1
модпак система полегла походу

_1930_ 19/07/2023 10:33
0 0
модпак система полегла походу

Swanty_YT 04/07/2023 07:42
1 2
Tlauncher no virus!

DJDevil_Muhib 28/06/2023 08:13
1 6
Please don't harm us. Most of us are poor. Admin if you are reading this, i don't have any problem if the launcher is full of ads just no spyware or virus or to harm any users.

DJDevil_Muhib 28/06/2023 08:08
1 5
Look, I am putting my faith in you for now. I am from a poor family, barely bought a 2nd hand pc. if the allegations are true, please don't harm us, as most of us are poor.

BlackBEAST_XV 20/06/2023 20:49
0 2
Wait is TLauncher cracked Minecraft?

BLUEHAIRZ 17/01/2024 16:21
0 0
@BlackBeast_XV, ofcourse it is bruh. what are u on?

AngryScorpion 20/06/2023 13:41
0 0
ENG Ok but why do you then make it impossible to delete account? RUS Хорошо, но почему тогда вы делаете невозможным удаление аккаунта? UKR Гаразд, але чому тоді ви робите неможливим видалення облікового запису?

mxiiron 17/05/2023 18:36
1 1
tiene o no tiene virus xd

zEddy0takux 04/06/2023 05:08
0 0
@mxiiron, No se XD

zEddy0takux 04/06/2023 05:08
0 0
@mxiiron, No se XD

emortess 07/05/2023 10:47
0 1
asla tlauncher virüs olmaz ve bür türk oyuncusu olarakta 2 yıldır oynuyordum arkadaşımla adalances ve hiç sorun olmadı virüs var derlerse sabaha kadar konuşurum ama zorla ikna edemessiniz ve yeni güncelleme getirsen (TL): aksesuarlar gelse eskiden bi hesabım çalınmıştı adalancesteki herşey gitti ama (TL) yenihesap oluşturulup tekrardan başlanıyor bu muhteşem

ThePigeonMan 07/05/2023 04:34
0 2
tlauncher no virus

matei1234312 19/06/2023 07:39
0 0
@ThePigeonMan, ok bro

ThePigeonMan 07/05/2023 04:34
0 0
tlauncher no virus

ThePigeonMan 07/05/2023 04:34
0 0
tlauncher no virus

ThePigeonMan 07/05/2023 04:34
0 0
tlauncher no virus

MrPeku 13/04/2023 19:13
0 0

lsdskmlk 08/04/2023 09:43
0 2
a chi dovrei credere??

ositorator 18/03/2023 23:05
1 2
no tiene virus chicos no le crean a los youtuberos (suelten a mi familia ya hice lo que querían)

fmfsq 22/12/2023 00:25
0 0
@ositorator, te equivocas y porque instala su propio java forge y otros?

PRO2656 17/03/2023 19:34
0 1
hiç inanmadım valla XD

minhduc29061 13/03/2023 15:07
0 0
hay quá

karekaze 28/02/2023 17:40
2 0
sabia que tlauncher no tiene virus eh usado ente launcher durate 2 años y ahora dicen que tiene "virus"

fmfsq 22/12/2023 00:27
0 0
@karekaze, y porque tlauncher instala su propio java forge fabric y optifine?

test22223335 21/03/2023 12:03
0 2
@karekaze, Bloggers just advertise other launchers in this way

neronvip0 17/02/2023 01:23
2 3
Tlaucher forever XD

mega_dog203 11/02/2023 09:50
1 2
Когда бедрок на пк?

niceguyminecraft 07/02/2023 09:38
3 6
I have been using this for 2 years, and it comes virus now? They're faking it, this is safe, and cracks work like this too.

VillagerN12305 18/03/2023 19:22
1 3
@niceguyminecraft, ill say even more to you. I was using Tlauncher for entire 6 years, SIX. and never had problems

cami_potter_0 12/03/2023 23:03
4 0
@niceguyminecraft, ????????

Hesen5451 28/01/2023 08:59
1 4
Thanks tlauncher. I got over my fear of 3-4 days now. I am much more comfortable now. The program that I have been using for 4 years is not even likely to be a virus. I love this launcher.

mikail0554 27/01/2023 17:12
1 3
ben tlauncherı güveniyorum ben 2 yıldır kullanıyorum yakında belki bu virüs güncellemelerde kaldırabilir

ps1678 27/01/2023 15:08
2 1
I love this

BlueCrowner 27/01/2023 11:10
2 3
i have been using this program for seven years and had a great childhood so i can tell you that this app has no viruses

Ramazanenescik04 26/01/2023 09:47
3 3
Launcher'i Silin İçinde Virüs Var!

Jae8XD 04/05/2023 15:10
1 0
@Ramazanenescik04, proof?

mertcanTR55 26/01/2023 06:39
2 4
hocam malmısın virüslüsün

Anew32 25/01/2023 17:02
0 1
La verdad, creo que limpiarian su nombre si cambiaran el launcher para que no [****]ermisos de administrador, con solo tenerlo se puede desconfiar ya que es solo un juego.

GreenThunder2003 24/01/2023 07:55
3 7
At this point I don't think I care. I've been a user for several months (I think over a year at this point) and TLauncher has only given me great times. All these Reddit users and Youtubers are just trying to jump in the trend of "Oh no, TLauncher has viruses!" and ruin other people's fun.

_ItsFrxst 24/01/2023 06:24
0 6
Virus or not. I don't care, I've looked at other minecraft launchers and none are like tlauncher. I've been a user since 2016 and I don't care if a launcher that lets me play minecraft is a virus

krallmelih63 23/01/2023 09:17
5 4
Tlauncher çoçukluğumuzun oyunu başlatıcısı böyle birşey gerçektende saçma #TLYİ SEVİYORUZ

Cigaro_ 22/01/2023 20:48
1 2
Such a shame that there are news about tlauncher having a virus/spyware, i dont know if they are true or not,I had been using it for years without problems but no one can remove this stain on their reputation, whether it has spyware or not, I can no longer trust it, it was a very good launcher anyway. Press "F" to pay respects

admin 23/01/2023 17:16
2 1
@Cigaro_, The security of the program can be easily checked by all anti-viruses at virustotal.com

poyrazaral 22/01/2023 16:41
2 4
i have been using this program for seven years and had a great childhood so i can tell you that this app has no viruses

poyrazaral 22/01/2023 16:40
4 0
i have been using this program for seven years and had a great childhood so i can tell you that this app has no viruses

poyrazaral 22/01/2023 16:40
5 0
i have been using this program for seven years and had a great childhood so i can tell you that this app has no viruses

poyrazaral 22/01/2023 16:35
6 0
i have been using this program for seven years and had a great childhood so i can tell you that this app has no viruses

poyrazaral 22/01/2023 16:35
3 0
i have been using this program for seven years and had a great childhood so i can tell you that this app has no viruses

poyrazaral 22/01/2023 16:33
7 2
i have been using this program for seven years and had a great childhood so i can tell you that this app has no viruses

neonvip 22/01/2023 02:25
3 1
El mejor programas gracias Tlaucher

CamiloG1 20/01/2023 14:46
1 6
Tlauncher no tiene virus, les voy a explicar porque hace todas esas cosas. 1. Revisión de los navegadores como Google para poder tener una cuenta tl y saber la contraseña para iniciar cesión y tener una skin. 2. Revisión del computador, lo hace para saber cuanta memoria tienes y cuanto RAM tienes y poder jugar. Lo demás lo explica Tlauncher. lo del virus es un invento por el comportamiento a Tlauncher paso algo como. (competencia) oye Tlauncher es raro, podemos aprovechar y estancarlo. y Miguel Gamer nunca a confirmado solo dice que es sospechoso. si fuese que vendiera nuestra información no se supone que las cuentas banquearías ya estén vacías o las redes sociales ya estén hackeadas pues no aquí esta toda la información. en conclusión tlauncher no tiene nada y lo que han escuchado son solo teorías y miguel gamer solo dice que es sospechoso repito sospechoso.

i9vann 20/01/2023 21:54
2 0
@CamiloG1, amigo lo que dices no tiene ni sentido, lo de la revision tendria sentido si solo fuera unicamente su propia pagina (tlauncher.org) pero sin embargo analiza TODAS las paginas a las que entras, incluyendo tu Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, etc, ¿para

i9vann 20/01/2023 23:23
8 1
@ivanprt, si no es peligroso que un programa que lo lleva un equipo que probablemente ni conoces, y no sabes a donde ira todo lo que ellos saben de ti o a quien lo vendera, salga con q tienen acceso a tus datos, ya me diras tu si eso es seguro y lo que mencionas es cierto, muchas apps seguras tambien tienen acceso a esta informacion, con la diferencia es que esas apps muy probablemente (digo eso porque no se a q apps te refieres) sean de servicios que requieran acceder a tu navegador en cambio TLauncher para que necesita eso si solo va a ejecutar un jueguito? xd y SI accede a todos los datos del usuario, lo puedes ver en su ultimo video, no hay punto de comparacion entre la venta de datos como Facebook que es una empresa mega conocida y que venden esos datos para publicidad u otras cosas no tan graves como TLauncher (asi te muestran anuncios mas relevantes x ejemplo) con un equipo ruso que ni sabes quienes son muy probablemente, y que lo venden no con buenos propositos exactamente XD

i9vann 20/01/2023 23:10
4 0
@ivanprt, claro, y las sospechas son el inicio de un posible virus, y ante eso es mejor evitar un mal peor (una confirmacion de virus) antes que estar arrepentido por no hacer caso ante una sospecha, por ejemplo, cuando tienes sintomas de una enfermedad y todo apunta a que la tienes es mejor ir al medico antes que esa enfermedad avance y asi poder curarla pronto, y esta perfecto que no recomiende nada pirata ya nada es gratis y corres el riesgo que lleve virus, y estoy de acuerdo que hay que tener un ojo encima de esto, ya que si bien es cierto que no esta confirmado, lo mejor es actuar con mucho cuidado y no como si nada pasara.

ivanprt 20/01/2023 22:50
0 6
@i9vann, de todos modos, los "investigadores" nunca dan pruebas contundentes, sino que se muestran ciertas "sospechas". a todo esto, cabe mencionar que el "experto" (lo digo así porque si bien es un profesional, no sé de qué calidad, pero tampoco lo voy a juzgar), ni siquiera recomienda descargar juegos piratas, así que tampoco recomendaría descargar el Tlauncher que, como todo launcher gratuito, es pirata. pero bueno, podría ser que sí como también podría ser que no, por eso hay que tener una mirada crítica en esto y, por ahora, es más contundente lo que muestra Tlauncher que lo que muestran tanto en Reddit, como los Youtubers tipo Miguel Gamer (que aunque no esté de acuerdo, no fue sensacionalista ni tampoco fue alguien poco crítico sobre el tema) o el Youtuber yankee que comenzó la movida sobre este tema en YouTube.

i9vann 20/01/2023 22:33
2 0
@CamiloG1, No tienes redes sociales, pero si datos personales, por el simple hecho de estar en internet estas exponiendo datos personales aunque no lo sepas, y ellos pueden vender esos datos, y como te dije, ¿para que necesitan ellos ver tus tarjetas de credito y contraseñas en Instagram, etc para una cuenta de TLauncher? explicalo

i9vann 20/01/2023 22:11
4 0
@CamiloG1, No tienes redes sociales, pero si datos personales, por el simple hecho de estar en internet estas exponiendo datos personales aunque no lo sepas, y ellos pueden vender esos datos, y como te dije, ¿para que necesitan ellos ver tus tarjetas de credito y contraseñas en Instagram, etc para una cuenta de TLauncher? explicalo

i9vann 20/01/2023 22:08
3 0
@CamiloG1, No tienes redes sociales, pero si datos personales, por el simple hecho de estar en internet estas exponiendo datos personales aunque no lo sepas, y ellos pueden vender esos datos, y como te dije, ¿para que necesitan ellos ver tus tarjetas de credito y contraseñas en Instagram, etc para una cuenta de TLauncher? explicalo

i9vann 20/01/2023 22:06
1 0
@i9vann, que quisiera analizar las demas paginas? obviamente para robarte informacion. 2. Podria tener acceso unicamente a tu memoria y a la RAM, aqui aplica lo mismo que el anterior punto. Y por ultimo Tlauncher no ha explicado nada puesto que lo que pone en virus total es el instalador, no los archivos que posteriormente descarga, su instalador no tiene virus, lo que luego instala si. Y lo que dices es erroneo, ya que a ellos "hackear" la cuenta de un random no les sirve de nada, mas provecho le sacan vendiendo dichan informacion, asi que ahi esta la respuesta a que no te hackearon tu cuenta, lo mismo con tus datos bancarios, le sacan mas provecho vendiendolos, puesto que asi podrian ganar mas dinero. Y en el video de Miguel Gamer hay expertos, Tlauncher jamas ha explicado porque mira los datos de tu navegador, incluyendo tarjetas de credito, contraseñas, etc, y eso es porque es porque ocultan algo si no ya hubieran explicado todo, solo contestan lo que les conviene xd

CamiloG1 20/01/2023 22:04
0 4
@i9vann, no me molesta no tengo redes sociales pero si es raro que vea todo pero yo creo que para la cuenta tl

Mudrox_xx 19/01/2023 23:09
2 3
Wueon no entiendo pq tanto corrinche de que Tlauncher tiene virus ps yo no creo en lo que digan los YouTubers como el miguel ese :v yo confío en Tl

Sariel755 21/01/2023 17:04
0 0
@Mudrox_xx, Tampoco ayuda que no publico el video que supuestamente iba a publicar al dia siguiente

Sariel755 21/01/2023 00:26
0 6
@Mudrox_xx, Haha le perdi toda credibilidad a ese tipo con un stream que hiso ayer que se podia resumir a que "muy peligroso el launcher esto y aquello , que hay launchers peores que este pero no.. no les voy a decir cuales, jodanse hasta que haga video mañana alrespecto o si no, no me pagan"

DrPapo 19/01/2023 05:24
0 3
These so called experts don't even know shit, they are just in the trend to fetch some views in their videos and revenue, and funny enough several youtube accounts posts like thet were copypasting the same comments and slightly change them to send a quick robotic response (probably botted accounts).

Deqrypted 27/01/2023 10:14
0 0
@DrPapo, ikr code might be suspicious but its running the code for better performance "digital experts" here must shut the [****]up like they think they know something but they are only bullshitting

Epic1236 19/01/2023 14:19
3 0
@DrPapo, I am a coder in java and tlaunchers code is very sketchy. I'll bet you'll come back with an argument that my knowledge is wrong but j have a [****]ing degree. My PC was bogged down by that sketchy tlauncher.

brutalAdmin 19/01/2023 01:54
1 3
I've been using Tlaucher for years and I never had the slightest sign of a virus on my computer, what's more, I haven't used an antivirus for a long time because I know the risks very well, I sincerely believe that given the large number of users on Tlaucher, this is just a campaign dirty of youtubers who receive some kind of sponsorship from Microsoft

wifinelove 25/07/2023 11:10
0 0
@brutalAdmin, microsoft doesn't even do shitty sponsorship minecraft is developed by mojang microsoft just owns the game

Epic1236 19/01/2023 14:21
0 0
@brutalAdmin, I think I could believe you but I don't think surfshark (sponsor of the video) Is gonna care too much.

conitoran 18/01/2023 20:43
2 2
en realidad no tiene ningún virus, en si la gente se basa todo lo que ve en tiktok

CamiloG1 18/01/2023 01:11
2 2
Tlauncher no tiene virus, e jugado con Tlauncher durante 3 años y no a pasado nada

i9vann 19/01/2023 16:52
3 1
@CamiloG1, eso es porque los virus quieren que no se enteren que estan en tu pc, ej: los ladrones se esconden al entrar a una casa porque no quieren que los detecten

elBauti8382 17/01/2023 16:28
2 3
Gracias TLauncher por sacarnos las dudas y poder dar la verdad. Verifique Tlauncher en VirusTotal y no tenia nada, asi que estoy libre de virus. :)

i9vann 19/01/2023 16:54
1 2
@elBauti8382, en virus total solo examinan el instalador .exe, no lo que luego instala, y justamente el virus esta en lo que instala luego.

i9vann 21/01/2023 19:40
0 1
@Admin, claro, y justo porque examinaron todo eso comenzaron las sospechas xd

admin 21/01/2023 14:14
0 0
@i9vann, All files can be checked by antiviruses later, it's obvious

keremko1128 17/01/2023 15:52
0 6
great is command