
Minecraft 1.21 Java Edition Download

Logo Minecraft 1.21

1.21 is a major Tricky Trials update released on June 13, 2024, to bring quite a few changes. The update mainly focuses on mastering and adventures with battles, while the new content includes new enemies, new blocks, test chambers, new weapons, paintings, and much more. Besides, the update adds improvements that fix several bugs and change the Bad Omen effect. You will need a 64-bit version of the operating system and Java 21 for the update to work correctly.

Release date for Minecraft 1.21: June 13, 2024


1 New Features

2 New Blocks

3 New Items

4 New Mobs

5 New Entities

6 World Generation

7 Game Element Changes

8 Bug Fixes

9 Download links

New Features

The bulk of an update is almost always content. So, first of all, feel free to study it to understand what to expect from the major update..

New Blocks

Blocks make up the bulk of the content in survival. So, let’s look at them closer and study the list of items one can craft from new blocks..

Chiseled copper is the first important block generated in the Trial Chambers. You can also use the stonecutter or crafting table to craft it. For the crafting table, you need two cut copper slabs. If you choose the stonecutter, you will need one block of regular copper, which will turn into four chiseled copper after processing.

You can get chiseled tuff by crafting (use 2 tuff slabs) or using the stonecutter to cut regular tuff. This block appears in the Trial Chambers.

The copper bulb is the first item you can get in the Trial Chambers or craft with crafting tables. To craft it, you will need:

  • copper block – 3 pieces;
  • blaze rod – 1 piece;
  • Redstone dust – 1 piece.

The bulb serves as a light source that can be subject to oxidation. The stronger it is, the dimmer the light, so do not forget to scrape the bulb with an axe or honeycomb to prevent its oxidation. The bulb is off by default, but you can use Redstone to turn it on. It can serve as a trigger and doesn’t conduct Redstone energy.

The copper door is a building block made from improved copper. You can find it in the Trial Chambers or craft using the following crafting method:

  • copper ingots – 6 pieces.

You can use it as a functional door and open it with Redstone or by right-clicking. The copper door is subject to oxidation, which you can prevent by scraping it with a honeycomb or an axe. The door’s durability reduces with increasing oxidation.

The copper grate is a universal building block you can stumble upon in the Trial Chambers. Despite being transparent, it can block the passage of mobs and water. In addition, it lets light in. The grate doesn’t conduct Redstone energy and cannot be used to choke enemies that fall into it. One can craft it using the crafting table or the stonecutter:

  • copper block – 4 pieces (you must arrange them in a diamond pattern).

The copper trapdoor is a building block that appears in the Trial Chambers. It can serve as a functional element if you use Redstone to open it. To create it, you need to use:

  • copper ingots – 6 pieces (you must place them on the two bottom crafting lines).

It is subject to oxidation, so do not forget to scrape it with a honeycomb or an axe.

The Crafter is a new crafting table that allows players to create various items using Redstone. To create this item, you need to use:

  • iron ingots – 5 pieces;
  • crafting table – 1 piece;
  • Redstone dust – 2 pieces;
  • dropper – 1 piece.

Unlike a standard crafting table, the Crafter has the following advantages:

  1. Several players can use it at the same time.
  2. Each crafting result is powered by a Redstone pulse, without which you cannot obtain the item.
  3. There is no recipe book, so you must learn everything by heart.
  4. It can interact with other blocks.
  5. There is no distribution of resources. The device automatically detects the resources in it.
  6. It has a more convenient user interface.
  7. To boost the crafting speed, you can use a pickaxe.

The heavy core is a block of epic rarity and high density. Combined with a breeze rod, it can serve as a mace. It has a size identical to the main character’s head and can have 12 directions. To obtain the heavy core, find an ominous vault and activate it with a key in the Trial Chambers. It is resistant to explosions (identical to obsidian in characteristics).

Tuff bricks are a building material extracted with the stonecutter when processing polished tuff. You can use it to build stairs, walls, and slabs.

The tuff slab is a building material obtained by the stonecutter when working with tuff. You can use it to create objects or chiseled tuff.

Tuff stairs are a building material obtained by the stonecutter during the processing of tuff.

The tuff wall is a building material obtained by the stonecutter during the processing of tuff.

The vault is a unique block unlocked by trial keys only once per player. The reward is randomly generated and given out in random quantities. It is highly resistant to explosions and doesn’t burn.

Players can test their strength thanks to the following new block – the ominous trial spawner. This block works as the regular trial spawner generated in the Trial Chambers. The newly added version differs only in that the mobs in the ominous version will be much more dangerous. Respectively, you receive more valuable rewards. The most precious thing you can get is the ominous trial key with a 30% chance to eject. The ominous trial spawner won’t appear naturally. For it to appear in the structure, you must have the Trial Omen effect.

The update adds a new ominous vault, which appears in hard-to-reach places of the structure. The ominous vault differs not only in texture but also in its resources. The vault can drop many valuable resources, including new items added by this update. You will need a slightly different item to open the vault – the ominous trial key. The ominous trial spawner can give you this key. You cannot obtain the ominous vault in creative mode.

New Items

Let’s study the new items that will significantly expand your survival options.

Arrow sets – consumables for the combat bow, which can have an additional status:

  • arrow of infestation;
  • arrow of oozing;
  • arrow of weaving;
  • arrow of wind charging.

When used, it imposes a similar status on the opponent.

Banner Patterns – the update brings two new banners – Flow and Guster. You can obtain them after opening the vault.

The breeze rod is a special consumable for crafting and upgrading weapons.

The mace is a new type of heavy melee weapon. You can make it using crafting, which requires the following materials:

  • heavy core – 1 piece;
  • breeze rod – 1 piece.

As for damage efficiency, it is comparable to an iron sword. It offers slow attacks, but you can use it for a crushing blow when falling. It has a unique soundtrack and additional visual effects. It can use the following enchantments: wind burst, density, and breach. Players can also use the mace combined with the wind charge to increase combat efficiency.

Music Discs are new music items one can use to improve the atmosphere. They are all official Tricky Trials tracks and sound like this:

“Precipice” by Aaron Cherof: Found in standard vaults.

“Creator” by Lena Raine: Found in ominous vaults.

“Creator (Music Box)” by Lena Raine: Found rarely in decorated pots broken in the Trial Chambers.

The update adds a collection of decorative paintings, which includes more than 20 new pieces created by Kristoffer Zetterstrand and Sarah Boeving.

The Ominous Bottle is a drink that, when consumed, can give a 100-minute Bad Omen effect. You can stack 64 of them and use five variations for each Bad Omen level. You can find it in any vault and break it after consumption.

The ominous trial key is a unique item for opening vaults. You can obtain it by destroying the ominous trial spawner.

Potions – a set of new drinks with different statuses:

  • Potion of infestation (brewed from a stone block and an awkward potion);
  • Potion of oozing (brewed from a slime block and an awkward potion);
  • Potion of weaving (brewed from a cobweb and an awkward potion);
  • Potion of wind of charging (brewed from a breeze rod and an awkward potion).

Pottery sherds are a decorative item obtained from decorated pots in the Trial Chambers (three varieties are available).

Smithing templates include Bolt Armor Trim and Flow Armor Trim. You can find them in newly added vaults.

Eggs – the update adds new eggs for spawning the bogged and breeze.

Trial Explorer Map is a map for finding the Trial Chambers. You can get it from the Journeyman Cartographer.

The trial key can open a regular vault. You can obtain it by destroying a standard trial spawner.

The wind charge is a new projectile crafted from breeze rods. It has a strong impact, can throw players up, and grants 10% more knockback than a regular breeze attack. Please do not forget that the wind charge has a much smaller impact area than its counterparts.

New Mobs

There are also new mobs to fight and enjoy the battle.

Bogged is a new type of skeleton affected by fused mushrooms. It has the following features:

  • their attacks are much slower than those of standard skeletons;
  • they live in mangroves and swamps;
  • they are rare compared to other mobs;
  • they drop poisonous arrows and mushrooms (red and brown) as loot.

Breeze is an aggressive elemental mob with the following features:

  • it appears only in the Trial Chambers;
  • it uses wind charges as an attack;
  • it can interact with various surrounding objects (doors, buttons, levers, etc.) using wind;
  • it can deflect any projectiles;
  • it drops breeze rods as loot.

New Entities

The update adds Wind Charge as an additional game element. It can interact with various surrounding elements when used. It explodes on impact, releasing a powerful stream of particles. It deals high damage but is deflectable like a regular projectile.

World Generation

The generation includes a new location – the Trial Chambers. This structure appears in the Overworld, where players can find many new items and take on combat challenges. The procedural generation creates a random structure that can include traps, riddles, and other exciting elements. Each Trial Chamber has a spawner, which you can activate to pass the test. You can use the following configurations for better orientation:


Game Element Changes

As per tradition, the developers have made several changes, which look like this:

  1. The update simplifies the mechanism for placing a double door made of different materials.
  2. The piston sound volume has been lowered.
  3. Blocks frozen by Frost Walker can emit “Block-Placed” vibrations.
  4. When you hold an axe and a shield and use the “Activate” command, the game won’t select the axe strike by default. Instead, the character will raise the shield.
  5. The Snout banner pattern has received a new rarity type.
  6. The trident has received a new rarity type, giving its hover text a purple color.
  7. The panic behavior of animals after receiving damage will last two seconds.
  8. The list of panic activations for animals will expand (they will react to cacti, lightning strikes, fire, and freezing).
  9. Witches will drop up to 8 units of Redstone dust.
  10. You can keep boats on a leash.
  11. You can carry charged explosives through the Nether portal. After activating the explosion, they won’t destroy the main structural elements of the portal.
  12. When you reuse the portal and break blocks, it will drop the needed elements and resources. The mechanics will resemble dropping items from the vault.

Bug Fixes

In addition, the update brings bug fixes and corrects 221 defects. As an example, here are a few fixes:

  1. MC-67: Entities with passengers can no longer pass through portals.
  2. MC-26304: Brewing stands reset the cycle when unloading.
  3. MC-44280: Projectiles from dispensers no longer knock back entities.
  4. MC-97087: You can no longer use attributes in the main hand if you previously used them in the off-hand.
  5. MC-137719: You can no longer affect the path of the fired projectile when moving horizontally.

The update is large-scale, high-quality, and increasingly exciting. The developers did a great job, added content, and fixed many problems. We wish you great adventures!


Download Links

Version 1.21 is released!

Download (Windows)

Download (Linux/MacOS)

Previous versions:

Minecraft 1.20.6 Download

Minecraft 1.20.5 Download

Minecraft 1.20.4 Download

Minecraft 1.20.3 Download

Minecraft 1.20.2 Download

Minecraft 1.20.1 Download

Minecraft 1.20 Download

Comments (113)

HELENAFLAVIA 17/02/2025 01:57
0 0
Nu o che e vi que Deuses que tem que Deuses e a bateria do celular do

piotrhaciuk 11/02/2025 08:16
0 1
i love you tl

piotrhaciuk 11/02/2025 08:16
0 0
how to downlod this minecraft

CyberWiz 09/02/2025 03:07
0 0
I love this game so much, thank you TL

yousef800 22/01/2025 17:58
0 0
I love you Tlancher with my friend

baodeptrai194 20/01/2025 12:17
0 0
tại sao ko di chuyển đc

Vlad_9922 12/10/2024 19:18
1 3

franxyk_12 14/09/2024 21:29
3 3
server 1.7 hasta 1.21 IP: mc.srolemine.com

sergio2668 14/09/2024 20:28
3 2
ok yes minecraft cool

Sung6785 10/09/2024 21:35
1 0
por favor busco constructor pago 3 aspas de diamante

xairotciv 09/09/2024 11:31
0 3
1.21 optifine please

shenalobedh 08/09/2024 08:52
1 11

hayanura_official_yt 08/09/2024 06:56
3 2
hi im new to tlauncher i love this launcher but ppl say thatit is an spyware

franxyk_12 04/09/2024 17:19
1 0
server 1.7 hasta 1.21 IP: mc.srolemine.com

Trish2312 02/09/2024 14:01
0 2
why skins are not working with shaders??

imnottelling 28/08/2024 04:29
0 4
nice i love tl

TRKYAZYT 27/08/2024 03:17
2 3
i and my brothers love TL

Lindafm 24/08/2024 08:57
0 1
Why cant play together anymore?

franxyk_12 21/08/2024 14:10
1 1
server 1.7 hasta 1.21 IP: mc.srolemine.com

KRAL_AKREPTROLL 21/08/2024 13:44
0 2

Kirizaa 19/08/2024 13:41
3 2
how to intsal?

Kirizaa 19/08/2024 13:41
1 1
how to intsal?

Kirizaa 19/08/2024 13:41
1 0
how to intsal?

mario24HD 19/08/2024 12:52
2 2
tihis game is ugly

fffaithful 20/09/2024 14:11
0 1
@mario24HD, why

fffaithful 20/09/2024 14:11
0 1
@mario24HD, why

fffaithful 20/09/2024 14:11
0 1
@mario24HD, why

maharanapratapsingh 19/08/2024 09:42
1 0
wow tlauncher you are great.

maharanapratapsingh 19/08/2024 09:42
1 0
wow tlauncher you are great.

maharanapratapsingh 19/08/2024 09:42
1 0
wow tlauncher you are great.

Kreshconangaming 17/08/2024 13:08
1 10
Where 's Optifine 1.21?

kiarash1394 13/09/2024 08:35
0 0
@Kreshconangaming, kdlsd

Hiram1345XD 16/08/2024 19:18
0 1
i can play multiplayer

taimra1 16/08/2024 10:33
0 0
zakaj nemorem it v verzijo 1.21

admcharouite 15/08/2024 18:51
1 0

admcharouite 15/08/2024 18:51
0 0
لا تخدم

salah1654 12/08/2024 11:31
0 2
thank tlauncher woow i love you tlauncher

Cyber_Guy28 11/08/2024 14:34
0 8
when will optifine 1.21 will come

franxyk_12 11/08/2024 02:03
3 2
server 1.7 hasta 1.21 IP: mc.srolemine.com

molymamemos 10/08/2024 20:50
0 3

K0NZ7 10/08/2024 18:37
0 3
version latest = lag fps real no fake

Vladislav2014gi 09/08/2024 19:10
0 1
Кто я?

Endy1545 10/08/2024 12:28
0 1
@Vladislav2014gi, Всмысле - кто ты? У тебя скин пропал?

Arsen4ik8 09/08/2024 12:02
0 1

Arsen4ik8 09/08/2024 12:02
0 2
оалаоовцирвлдюаошрыв оцуоуцоЩЦК КЩЦЛЩШШЦЭЩОКШГ АВОИ Ц4ТО 3Й РО ОР

gloriousleader 09/08/2024 06:02
0 3
Omg where the Optifine 1.21 ? Im waiting it so long

gloriousleader 09/08/2024 06:02
0 0
Omg where the Optifine 1.21 ? Im waiting it so long

STARLORD900 07/08/2024 10:42
1 1
Why when I create my mod package and create the Forge 1.21 the mod "The skin and cape" does not work and makes [****]me crash?, while in the Fabric it works, (I always use Forge). Is there another similar or better mod?

STARLORD900 07/08/2024 10:40
0 0
Perché quando creo il mio pacchetto mod e creo Forge 1.21 la mod "The skin and cape" non funziona e mi fa * crashare?, mentre in Fabric funziona, (uso sempre Forge). Esiste un'altra mod simile o migliore?

STARLORD900 07/08/2024 10:36
0 0
Come mai quando creo il mio pacchetto Forge 1.21 la mod the skin and cape non funziona e mi fa crashare il gioco?, mentre invece nella Fabric funzione (io uso sempre forge)

cristoronaldosuwi 06/08/2024 07:27
1 1
i cant create a world in 1.21

ItzRooster 09/08/2024 15:45
0 1
@cristoronaldosuwi, *it fuk it

maliksagov 03/08/2024 15:06
2 1
it'se cool

franxyk_12 01/08/2024 16:31
2 3
server 1.7 hasta 1.21 IP: mc.srolemine.com

ReallzXD 01/08/2024 08:45
2 10

Yuvinalisrambui 31/07/2024 12:40
2 2
Yeah.. I've not played it yet

ExequielNiebla 30/07/2024 13:35
2 8
update to optifine versionn

xxx_lineika_xxx 30/07/2024 01:40
0 0
лаунчер огонь!

samuelmmss 28/07/2024 16:22
2 2
ami no me deja abrilo, hace el intento, como si se fuera a abrir, pero al final, se cierra

ARTeM26107 08/01/2025 12:24
0 0
@samuelmmss, ARTeM26107

Pablo_TheRock_ 26/07/2024 21:19
2 3
Does tlauncher have 1.21? I didn't see it in my list of versions.

EMMGames_YT 26/07/2024 13:59
1 1
ХЕЛЛ Е ????

Butter_Jaffa 25/07/2024 14:49
1 6
Please does someone want to play on a mine craft server

raghavgg201 05/02/2025 06:03
0 0
@Butter_Jaffa, yes i want to play

Yuvinalisrambui 31/07/2024 12:55
0 0
@Butter_Jaffa, No????

mario24HD 19/08/2024 12:53
0 0
@Yuvinalisrambui, [****]you

franxyk_12 24/07/2024 17:01
5 0
server 1.7 hasta 1.21 IP: mc.srolemine.com

daniilkoley2000 24/07/2024 15:17
1 1
не могу скачать жаву

abdoubelba 23/07/2024 18:16
3 1
تحديث هبال

abdoubelba 23/07/2024 18:14
3 3
ببجي ماكان والو

abdoubelba 23/07/2024 18:09
0 0

abdoubelba 23/07/2024 18:09
0 0

abdoubelba 23/07/2024 18:09
0 0

TinyJim01 23/07/2024 05:36
1 2
hello im new what i do?

franxyk_12 22/07/2024 22:52
2 2
server 1.7 hasta 1.21 IP: mc.srolemine.com

montu70 22/07/2024 14:59
2 0
Ыбрдбрртч4йй5н55р5ды8ф8тд8тх9тх9тх9ыц9ыф8ыц8ыц7тхотгпз346ыуьохот6тйз74р9зтоы8tg77gyhiffw5hx tibdygg

montu70 22/07/2024 14:59
2 0
Ыбрдбрртч4йй5н55р5ды8ф8тд8тх9тх9тх9ыц9ыф8ыц8ыц7тхотгпз346ыуьохот6тйз74р9зтоы8tg77gyhiffw5hx tibdygg

montu70 22/07/2024 14:59
2 0

montu70 22/07/2024 14:59
1 0

ivolego 20/07/2024 22:55
0 7
wen 1.21 with optfine?

intensoabitos89 20/07/2024 22:34
1 1
and when I update the launcher it takes years and years and tells me that it is in boostraper

intensoabitos89 20/07/2024 22:32
1 1
bro they don't let me play 1.21 the tlauncher tells me that I need java 17 or 18 but when I download it it tells me that I have to update the video card and I have a mac os x 10.10 and when the tlauncher sends me to its page it doesn't I don't understand it or anything

hosrin1390 20/07/2024 15:03
2 3

superHpyfy1 01/09/2024 10:06
0 0
@hosin1390, کاملا عالی

ali_D9 19/07/2024 10:48
0 0
good god god

LegendKnight2013 19/07/2024 02:43
0 1
how to play AETHER MOD 1.21

ali014z 18/07/2024 01:25
0 1
where is 1.22?most mods need that version

franxyk_12 18/07/2024 00:08
3 3
server 1.7 hasta 1.21 IP: mc.srolemine.com

Hacekr_Pypsik 17/07/2024 15:56
2 0
dont work neoforge help me! pls

Hacekr_Pypsik 17/07/2024 15:55
2 0
dont work neoforge help me! pls

Hacekr_Pypsik 17/07/2024 15:55
2 0
dont work neoforge help me! pls

x_raouf_x 17/07/2024 15:13
1 3
wonderful update

x_raouf_x 17/07/2024 15:12
1 3
wonderful update

061009382 17/07/2024 09:29
1 1
I like maincraft

061009382 17/07/2024 09:29
1 1
I like maincraft

061009382 17/07/2024 09:29
1 0
I like maincraft

MEDO1267 15/07/2024 15:46
1 6
التحديث اسطوري

MEDO1267 15/07/2024 15:46
1 3
التحديث اسطوري

fire_king0 15/07/2024 13:00
1 2
التحديث اسطوري

fire_king0 15/07/2024 13:00
1 1
التحديث اسطوري

fire_king0 15/07/2024 13:00
1 1
التحديث اسطوري

fire_king0 15/07/2024 13:00
1 2
التحديث اسطوري

fire_king0 15/07/2024 13:00
1 2
التحديث اسطوري

fire_king0 15/07/2024 13:00
1 2
التحديث اسطوري

fire_king0 15/07/2024 13:00
1 2
التحديث اسطوري

Kris28bg 14/07/2024 06:16
2 3
got vercion not optifine

Kris28bg 14/07/2024 06:16
2 2
got vercion not optifine

franxyk_12 13/07/2024 22:58
3 1
server 1.7 hasta 1.21 IP: mc.srolemine.com

KRACABA1 13/07/2024 19:39
0 3
Güzel, ücretsiz minecraft

MaKaRRR123123 31/07/2024 09:17
1 0
@Susvetskiy, макар

MaKaRRR123123 31/07/2024 09:17
1 0
@Susvetskiy, макар

Kaylaisbestwithcream 13/07/2024 16:38
2 5
perfect for all ages

Lochhix 13/07/2024 13:07
1 0
the game is so good thanks tlauncher