
Minecraft 1.21.1 Java Edition Download

1.21.1 Java Edition is a game client update released on August 8, 2024. It includes the addition of new languages and several fixes to the technical side of the game.


1 New Languages

2 Fixes

Download links

New Languages

This minor update brings several new languages at once:

  1. Belarusian (Latin). It is just an addition to the traditional Cyrillic variant.
  2. Tzotzil. It is a little-spoken language of a Maya people who live in the Mexican state of Chiapas.


The update could not do without some fixes that slightly improve the gameplay:

  • The update suppression based on block entity swap has been fixed.
  • Previously, players could artificially cause an emergency shutdown of a server by misusing special commands for a malicious target selector input, but now, they will not be able to do that thanks to the hotfix.

Download Links

Version 1.21 is released!

Download (Windows)

Download (Linux/MacOS)

Previous versions:

Minecraft 1.20.6 Download

Minecraft 1.20.5 Download

Minecraft 1.20.4 Download

Minecraft 1.20.3 Download

Minecraft 1.20.2 Download

Minecraft 1.20.1 Download

Minecraft 1.20 Download

Comments (70)

viloreez 08/02/2025 09:29
0 0
this is nice

artem07may 19/01/2025 01:40
0 0

artem07may 19/01/2025 01:39
0 1
ghbdtn dfgh

Virtixza 23/10/2024 14:52
4 5
nice man

Elgolix 12/10/2024 21:43
4 6
good job .

MO7A3ED 10/10/2024 11:22
4 8
wow very nice

KouTheFoxExE 08/10/2024 21:05
4 15
wawi still love 1.16.5 and 1.8.9 they are sick!

itzMrDemon666 06/10/2024 09:56
6 11
i still love 1.16.5 and 1.8.9 they are sick!

WTRMLN2808 06/10/2024 03:17
3 9
helo why does it need 10 characters for godsake

Yazihz 04/10/2024 10:47
4 5
good job .

Ultpa_LoL 03/10/2024 13:16
3 6
топчики топчики

Fist4Wright 01/10/2024 12:31
1 5
узбеки спят

kilkavate 22/09/2024 21:53
5 7
not bad :{0

L_V3RNN 21/09/2024 09:37
4 14
very demure

Anas41040 05/01/2025 11:46
0 0
@L_V3RNN, so demure

Gumballwashere 17/09/2024 21:56
3 13
wow so cool

miron228666 17/09/2024 14:16
7 15
[****]кусок а не сайт

miron228666 17/09/2024 14:16
1 6
[****]кусок а не сайт

miron228666 17/09/2024 14:16
1 4
[****]кусок а не сайт

miron228666 17/09/2024 14:16
2 3
[****]кусок а не сайт

miron228666 17/09/2024 14:16
2 1
[****]кусок а не сайт

miron228666 17/09/2024 14:16
1 5
[****]кусок а не сайт

miron228666 17/09/2024 14:16
2 1
[****]кусок а не сайт

miron228666 17/09/2024 14:16
2 0
[****]кусок а не сайт

miron228666 17/09/2024 14:16
2 1
[****]кусок а не сайт

maxrou321 16/09/2024 04:47
1 2
is this version support custom skin?

JPbrack108 15/09/2024 13:18
0 10
cool game launcher

behoil 13/09/2024 18:50
5 0
coollio sigma

doridosapk 13/09/2024 14:39
5 3
aga abenim pc de olm uyo

R84ner4 13/09/2024 11:47
3 4
Thank you very much TLauncher!!

franxyk_12 10/09/2024 14:25
2 1
NUEVA MODALIDAD RANDOMKITS ENTREN GOGO! IP —> mc.srolemine.com Aqui les dejo un servidor de MC muy bueno, mas de 300 users online, compatible con 1.7.x hasta 1.21, tiene modalidades de todas las versiones, RandomKits BoxPvP, survival 1.8 , survival vanilla 1.21, skyblock, skywars, hcf, cubecore, Destruye el nexo, escapa de la bestia, creativo 1.21, etc todos los modos de juego la ip es: mc.srolemine.com <—- Tambien compatible con Minecraft Bedrock IP: mc.srolemine.com puerto 19132

pasha_minectaft 10/09/2024 06:07
2 2
тлаунчер обнови свой лаунчер пж потому что сайт уже 5 лет не обновлен

DAVIDOSDAS 09/09/2024 16:56
1 7
Can you add mods for 1.21.1 pls and optifine pls?

itzMrDemon666 06/10/2024 09:57
0 2
@DAVIDOSDAS, i guess you stole my skin

muzanyufy 08/09/2024 09:22
0 1
hi hehehehehehehee

SnowKing228 08/09/2024 06:08
1 5
У меня не открывается файл что мне с этим делать?

hi_me_play_mine_craft 06/09/2024 20:04
2 6
free minecraft WITHOUT these viruses trojans and spywares THANKS Tlauncher

khoidepzai150 03/09/2024 16:31
0 1
dit nhau

angericka 03/09/2024 05:55
0 0
what is good my peoples

pasha_minectaft 03/09/2024 00:28
1 3
хихи топ игра

Motley_Sand 02/09/2024 12:38
2 3
cool! version cool

IceNinjaXtremeKiller 01/09/2024 14:22
0 10
I cant play any version of minecraft it show remove an mod resourse pack and even i have dowload a single mod

NOTCOOLF4K 31/08/2024 10:27
0 4

franxyk_12 27/08/2024 16:52
1 4
NUEVA MODALIDAD RANDOMKITS ENTREN GOGO! IP —> mc.srolemine.com Aqui les dejo un servidor de MC muy bueno, mas de 300 users online, compatible con 1.7.x hasta 1.21, tiene modalidades de todas las versiones, RandomKits BoxPvP, survival 1.8 , survival vanilla 1.21, skyblock, skywars, hcf, cubecore, Destruye el nexo, escapa de la bestia, creativo 1.21, etc todos los modos de juego la ip es: mc.srolemine.com <—- Tambien compatible con Minecraft Bedrock IP: mc.srolemine.com puerto 19132

_Keuxshix_ 26/08/2024 18:17
0 4

_Keuxshix_ 26/08/2024 18:16
0 3

_Keuxshix_ 26/08/2024 18:16
0 1

_Keuxshix_ 26/08/2024 18:16
0 1

_Keuxshix_ 26/08/2024 18:16
0 1

Trof564 26/08/2024 12:02
0 10
почему не отображаеться скин в игре версия 1.21.1 ?

Iimon_obormon 24/08/2024 12:53
0 0
почему не отображается скин в игре? именно 1 21 1 версия не показывается скин

Iimon_obormon 24/08/2024 12:50
1 9
почему не отображается скин в игре? именно 1 21 1 версия не показывается скин

Themuslimgamer 23/08/2024 14:49
1 11
i updated it and an update note keeps popping up while im trying to load it

meriemz13 22/08/2024 18:30
2 8
why can we not add skins ?

evelstaf 22/08/2024 17:57
1 3
Я пыталась открыть игру , а мне пишут ошибку и нельзя играть

franxyk_12 21/08/2024 14:09
2 2
server 1.7 hasta 1.21 IP: mc.srolemine.com

gfyutf 20/08/2024 10:16
1 2

ab3x1 20/08/2024 01:26
2 2
me sale error :C cuando intento abrirlo

alageffrey 18/08/2024 11:04
4 6
will i download with this acc?

_tomekxd 19/08/2024 10:17
2 1
@alageffrey, if you just type ur name in it sure then

alageffrey 18/08/2024 11:03
1 5
i need help

_tomekxd 19/08/2024 10:18
1 4
@alageffrey, what help bro, i'm listening

KuaiDai 01/09/2024 12:37
0 1
@slimey250, download the version that has the 'TL' logo on it because non modded versions have no custom skin.

slimey250 23/08/2024 20:32
0 9

alageffrey 18/08/2024 11:03
0 5
i need help

_lbou3bou3_ 24/08/2024 13:40
0 4
@alageffrey, probably you choose a skin with a premium acces

franxyk_12 15/08/2024 16:33
1 3
server 1.7 hasta 1.21 IP: mc.srolemine.com

Yonithegoat 15/08/2024 13:56
1 3
idk its cooll it if was free

JustMilaXD 12/08/2024 21:49
3 3
Белорусский? Никогда не слышала о таком языке, хоть название и похоже на мой родной язык (Беларуский) (Нет, ну серьёзно, пофиксите пж)

JustMilaXD 12/08/2024 21:49
8 4
Белорусский? Никогда не слышала о таком языке, хоть название и похоже на мой родной язык (Беларуский) (Нет, ну серьёзно, пофиксите пж)