Snapshot Minecraft 24w46a Java Edition Download (Review)
A third build with snapshot 24w46a has been released for the upcoming Minecraft 1.21.4 update, where, first of all, numerous bugs have been fixed and several changes have been made.
The release date of the 24w46a snapshot is November 13, 2024.
· The blast resistance and mining speed of the creaking heart have been doubled.
· A resin clump can now be placed on any face of another block and also used underwater.
· The creakings no longer disappear when a world is reloaded.
· Rabbits do not get stuck on the edges of blocks anymore.
· The blocks previously considered block entities are now rendered as regular blocks.
Bug Fixes
· The "Isn't It Scute?" advancement is now correctly displayed, and its meaning is now clear.
· Minor performance fixes have been implemented.
· The issues related to some shaders and graphical compatibility have been resolved.
Step 1. Open TLauncher and go to the Settings tab by clicking the gear icon in the lower right corner.
Step 2. Select the Display Snapshots checkbox, and do not forget to save the changes by clicking the appropriate button at the bottom.
Step 3. On the main screen of TLauncher, open the version selection tab, select the desired snapshot, and click 'Install' or 'Launch the Game' if the snapshot is already installed.
Download Links
Snapshot 24w46a is out!
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